Monday, February 27, 2006


In brief, I have ups and downs last week. Let me begin on Thursday, which was the day the Oasis concert was held. I was really excited to catch one of my favourite bands live. Sadly, the bag which I brought along to the concert and I stored my camera in had to be deposited. Which means, I didn't have any photos of my own for the concert. At least my brother managed to sneak in his in his cargo pants, and caught some pictures and videos =)

Lesson 1: Wear cargo jeans to concerts and hide your camera in the pocket.

Anyway, the $160 tickets are really well-spent. Though there is little communication between the band and the audience, I still have a great time watching them and singing along to some of their songs (I'm really clueless over their new songs :S though). But the lack of communication thing, my brother explained, is their thing and always happens in their concerts. I'm just glad that the Gallagher brothers made it safe and sound to Singapore, and that there were no casualties between them while in Singapore. I think Liam was a bit drunk that night hahaha. So, in the end, we got to take home Oasis wristbands which were tagged around the wrists of the standing peeps, and I bought an Oasis concert book. It's really sad that the Concert poster sold out :'( I thought of buying it before the concert, and then worried that it'd get crumple if I bring into the venue. I should have remembered of the deposit point *lmao*

Anyway, Friday is really really fantastic. I treated Mos, Jessica, Steph Ng, Tiffany and Sheir to Swensens. And, just as I expected, I was sabo-ed. They smeared some ice cream on my face *lmao* And then we took two neoprints. Lots of fun! Not forgetting nice prezzies as well. Thank you to all of you for making the day really special (I still can't believe you got me Vanity Fair, Kiefer fan! Ahahahaha) And oh ya, I managed to wear heels for the first time out of my house, without bringing my flats for the case of emergency in my bag *lmao* Luckily nothing happened.

Lesson 2: Apply some Nivea on the inside of new sandal to prevent blisters ;)

Saturday day is really really sad. I sent off Mos to the airport. I make this black scrapbook for her, which I'm glad that she likes. Cannot stop crying when I see her off. First Tif cried in the taxi. And then nearer to the airport, I also begin to cry. Left Steph who sat in the middle of taxi and didn't cry ahahahaha. Then somemore the songs played in the taxi radio so xian... so depressing.. I'll really miss Mos. Lots of fun memories and experience with her. I will never forget you my dear. You're too cute and huggable to be forgotten! Hahahahaha. Oh ya btw, I stole one piece of tissue from the scrapbook ahahahahah.... because when I was in my apartment lobby, I was a bit sneezy. Ahahaha. Anyway, Mos didn't use the rest of the tissues to cry on =)

Lesson 3: Bring lots of tissues to prepare for sad moments.

After the sending-off of Mos, Steph and I went around Changi Airport, taking some crappy shots and videos. I'm so frustrated that the proper pictures I took turned out grainy. Argh!!! And so I think I have to come back to airport to do some more shooting in one of the days. Anyway, it was really great fun at the airport. The friend salmon at the basement food court is sooo nice!

Lesson 4: Visit airport at day to take nice pictures =)

Yesterday was amazingly retarded. I have a huge row with my Mom. It all began with the failed search of my passport photo film. My mom was nagging the whole day about it. Then, as we prepared to go for dinner, she managed to find the film. Yet, she still nagged about other stuff such as housework and how I spent little time helping her. Then as we walked to Taka, I kept walking far behind her, cause I couldn't stand her nagging. I finally couldn't hold my anger, and I told her to stop treating me like a robot. Apparently, later I found out that she took it at the wrong context. She thought that I meant that she gave a lot of things to do for me, in actual fact, I was trying to tell her that she shouldn't think of me as a cold, heartless person. Anyway, we decided to eat our dinner separately eventually. STRANGELY, both of us wanted to eat in Yoshinoya. And we ordered Tori Karaage. So WEIRD. We sat at different tables. Eventually I went home first to do my homework without saying Bye to her. Anyway, at least this whole saga has ended. She pointed out a flaw of mine which I agree with. I spent too much time on Internet lately.

Lesson 5: Don't spend too much time on especially Internet. Try to help out with Housework. Try to learn how to do more kinds of houseworks.

Yesterday, in Oprah, there is Jake and Heath. I managed to saw glimpse of it, before deciding to tape the rest of it. Today I realised that I saw high definition video of the interview in a while ago. How silly of me. So I decided to download it instead, and delete the tape *lmao* I'll download Jake's Ellen interview and Heath's Leno interview as well. So exciting!

So, that's the brief summary of end of last week. I'm still hoping to see last Thursday's Urban tomorrow. Hopefully ms. Alpha will remember to bring it! Ahaha.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Th(a)nking Day

Today was so much better than yesterday. In the morning, I still felt a little off. But once I got into taxi (I was up late for school! haha), I managed to do some reflections and thinking. I managed to put the problem into another more positive perspective. Now, by looking at the problem through another view, I felt that the problem is not as bad as I thought it had been. I feel so much better now. I'm glad that today was okay.

I'd really to give special thanks to some of my classmates, namely Sabrina, Serene and Jocelyn. They made my day really special today. Today, I really feel strange about something. During the Drama briefing today, I suddenly felt that maybe Drama is not my heart is. Throughout the last 2 months, I really felt weird in the club. I only managed to make several friends. To be more precise, a girl and several boys. I don't know why, but I make friends more easily with the Drama boys than the girls. And... I feel that some of the Drama people are trying to be cool. I especially don't like a senior... Ehm, I'm considering of joining the Tempest crew though. I really want to contribute something to the club before I really consider leaving.

I'd also like to thank my Brother!! Hahahaha. I've never felt so grateful to him for a really looong time. He gave me $50 Kinokuniya vouchers! Arghhhhh! I could spend it on Empire Magazine, or I could spend it on Nick Hornby's "A Long Way Down" novel. By the way, the novel costs about $40. It's a large print edition and is the first edition. I shall really think carefully over how I should spend the voucher =)

Thank you to my Mom also. She had helped me sewn the clothes for the Drama teddy bear *lol* So nice of her! I like the teddy bear dress. Somehow, it reminds me of the Academy Awards *lmao* I don't know why.. hahahah. Thank you also to my parents for treating me to Crystal Jade dinner =) Sadly, the Haagen-Dazs ice-cream waffle cone tasted bitter and terrible. I only ate the ice cream, and threw the cone away. Lesson learnt: never ate haagen dazs ice cream with waffle cone again.

Serene said that it's Thinking Day for the Guides today. Anyway, it's a Thanking Day for me today =)

Some love to Mos =)

Cheers, Olivia

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

If you're really wondering what has got me mad,
Well, today's news was just a trigger button.
I hate the moment you said "Where got?"
And "I thought you know already" on the weekend,
You're one of my closest friends,
And you do not even tell me in person,
That news of yours,
How was I supposed to know?
From heaven, from my other friends?
A friend of mine and yours didn't even know,
And none of my other friends mentions it.
At least you could have told it by yourself,
and then I won't be so mad at you now.

You have no idea how much I hate you now
It's weird that though you're leaving soon,
My friendship with you is getting more strained each day.
I'm wondering,
Do you still count me as your close friend?
I can imagine that
Once you're gone,
You'll totally forget about me,
Just like how you forget my invitation to you
Two weeks ago
Today I hate you,
Hopefully tomorrow my anger will subside
And at least I still have some love for you.

I'm considering of cancelling my birthday party. I'll decide once I have a clearer mind.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Weird, weird day.

An excerpt of another Oasis song.. hehe. I guess I can relate to this song more than the previous one.

Oasis- Live Forever

Maybe I will never be
All the things that I want to be
But now is not the time to cry
Now's the time to find out why
I think you're the same as me
We see things they'll never see
You and I are gonna live forever
We're gonna live forever
Gonna live forever
Live forever

Hmm... almost look like a heart shape eh? ^-^ Anyway, today's a really, really weird day. Due to the sucess of Fun-O-Rama on Saturday, the school was dismissed at 9 am. I am so happy that my class was able to achieve the total sale of more than $2000 sale for our Food and Game stall. The feeling was just unbelievable. And so, with the early dismissal, my class decided to go for a class outing. It started out well. We had lunch in Yoshinoya. I don't like the new Yoshinoya student meal. They've replaced the Fruit Jelly with French Fries. The Fruit Jelly is so much nicer! *lol* Anyway, later we decided not to watch any movies, after much fight between Casanova and Walk The Line. I'm kinda glad that there is no movie watching today. I'm still not really sure why. Maybe I'm kind of sick of Walk The Line already? Hmmm. Today's class outing, I saw some of my classmates' darker sides. I guess there's always a dark side in each of us. It's supposed to be a class outing, not a group outing, you know. The episode really annoyed me.

Today's really freaky also because of a girl whom I never thought could be very violent. The class was supposed to count the number of coupons in our tin cans. And we're really frustrated over the fact that the edge of the tin cans' lids are melted. So, the cans are harder to be opened. And then this girl just started kicking the tin can against the class walls. Really hard and really loudly. And when we told her to stop, she shouted something which I couldn't hear. I really never guess that the girl can be so moody and violent. I thought that since we shared the same taste of music, we could be close friends. But after that episode, I am scared of her.

Hmm... My wishlist is forming. Here it is so far. More to be added soon.
1. A Zara Blue Skirt (photo to be uploaded tomorrow hopefully)
2. Walk The Line soundtrack
3. Empire Magazine (hahahaha)
4. Some Zara t-shirts (photos tomorrow too)
5. Other Zara stuff which you really think I'll like. ^-^

As much as I want to get cakes for my Birthday present, I think getting them will really cause a lot of trouble for the giver and myself. So, no cakes sadly.

Guess what, on the weekend I checked Zara Liat Tower and Great World to see if my favourite black blouse is still there. It turned out that, I think, it has forever disappeared *cries* Hopefully I can find nice Victorian stuff soon. Just one Victorian top will do for me ^-^

Later :)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Talk Tonight

Oasis- Talk Tonight

Sittin' on my own
Chewin' on a bone
A thousand million
Miles from home
When something hit me
Somewhere right between the eyes

Sleepin' on a plane
You know you can't complain
You took your last chance
Once againI landed, stranded
Hardly even knew your name

I wanna talk tonight
Until the mornin' light
'bout how you saved my life
You and me see how we are
You and me see how we are

All your dreams are made
Of strawberry lemonade
And you make sure
I eat today
You take me walking
To where you played
When you were young

I'll never say that I
Won't ever make you cry
And this I'll say
I don't know why
I know i'm leavin'
But i'll be back another day

While listening to that song of Oasis, I almost cried. The tune is very nice, and Liam (or is it Noel?) really sings it emotionally. The words are soo beautiful and carefully crafted. If you get the change to listen to it, please do.

Today was okay. I went out with Stephanie for most of the day. The worst part of the day was when I was trying this corset-type spaghetti strap in Zara. I tried M. I struggled to get into the thing. It's damn squeezy for M *lol* In the end, I managed to squeeze in, only for the spaghetti strap to fall below my breasts. And then, though I tried, I couldn't get the thing properly, and it won't go up my breasts *lmao* I can imagine me trying frantically to get off the thing, while Steph Ng, who is on the next fitting room, was trying her tops peacefully *lol* I think I rip a bit of the thing *lmao* I was already thinking then, "What would I do if I rip this thing?" Luckily, the worst scene scenario didn't take place. It's $75 by the way, almost double the $47 discounted Topshop top while I'd love to get, if Mom allows =D I doubt she'll allow since I've spent a lot this month.

February Spending
1. Franz Ferdinand Ticket- $90
2. Franz Ferdinand T-shirt- $40
3. Oasis Ticket- $160
4. Charles and Keith sandal- $28

And pending... some Oasis merchandise *lol* which will most probably cost at least $30. *sigh*

Anyway, I love my new Charles and Keith wedgie. It's higher than my other heel Charles and Keith sandal, and is a bit slippery at the front. But it's really really nice =D I think I almost master the short heel shoes. I should try wearing out to town someday. Some practice before my Birthday party *lmao* I don't want to fall flat to the ground.

I realised this morning that, while changing outfits for town outing, that I forgot to hide Joaquin's topless picture *lmao* I think my Mother saw it. Fortunately, she never commented on anything *phew* She asked me yesterday about a washed glass on the plate drier. I forgot to return the washed glass to its original place after Steph Ng's visit to my house last week. At least she believed my lie.. *phew* It's really logical okay.

Anyway, I got to do some washing now. Later.

Olivia xo

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Crazy over Fs...

Fantastic Franz Ferdinand! *lmao* I haven't written an entry for a few days now. I'd love to begin with the Franz Ferdinand concert on Thursday. It's absolutely marvelous!! Before I went to the concert on Thursday evening, I never had thought that it'll be a marvelous experience. This will really be one of the highlights of 2006. Franz Ferdinand has always been one of my favourite bands, and being able to catch them live in Singapore is really an unbelievable experience. I remember that the first time I get to know them was through a newspaper review on their first album. When I saw the band's name, my first reaction was "Oh my gawd! What the heck are they thinking?!" Franz Ferdinand is the name of the Austria-Hungary Archduke whose assasination triggered the World War I. I learnt about him through History *lmao* And so, Nathania and I went to the concert together. Since we had no time to eat dinner, Nat went to buy McDonalds for us to take to the stadium. We joined Alim and her sister, who was already in the queue. Nat and I only managed to eat the burger inside that stadium *lmao* It's a very weird experience. So many people bought the Free Standing tickets. Before the concert started at 8.30 pm, I thought that I was going to suffer a stampede, because the young Ang Mohs and some International School students kept pushing from the back. I couldn't help it, but I pushed some back with my back *lmao* I just really feel like smacking them in the head. The crowd was also rather chaotic in the first few songs in the concert. Some people were still trying to jostle to the front. At least, since they jostled, I managed to get nearer to the stage *lmao* While jumping along to the songs throughout the concert, I can't help but feel molested in a funny way *lmao* I kept rubbing my butt against someone at my back *lmao* I wonder what if I fart in any point of the show *lmao* Anyway, midway through the concert, Alex, the vocalist, announced that the fans were invited to "food party" in the Intercontinental Hotel after the show. We had absolutely no idea what his motive was for telling us that. I only knew his real intention through today's Life newspaper. It's kinda hilarious. He was trying to get back to a senior assistant in the Hotel who told him off the previous while he was eating some food he bought from a hawker centre across the hotel in the lobby *lol* And so, after the concert, Nat and I went to Intercontinental Hotel. Oh my, I absolutely have no regrets over that decision. I managed to get the autographs of Alex and Paul (the drummer) and took a really close up picture of Alex *rofl* He looks funny there. He is smiling, and his eyes kinda disappeared. So happy!! ^-^ I also bought a red-black Franz Ferdinand striped t-shirt at the concert venue. It's very strikingly similar to the t-shirts the band wore in the "Do You Want To?" video. Lucky, lucky you're so lucky!

One picture for you to see :) If you want to see the rest, you can tell me through my msn :)

I took a number of photos and videos the night. Aboute 100 in total. Only about 6 to 7 photos turn out really sharp. Anyway, I'm really happy with that number. Getting one really nice concert shot from Free Standing position already meant a lot to me :) So getting a few is really a blast. Oh ya, guess what, the guys look more handsome in person than in TVs *lmao*

Let's move on to the other days. I went to watch Walk The Line with Jessica Lo on Wednesday. I still like it. Now I really want the Walk The Line soundtrack *lmao* Then I can listen to Joaquin's voice over and over again before I sleep every night *lmao*

Today's Fun-O-Rama was great! My food stall managed to finish selling the burgers and steamed corn! Yayyyy *shrieks* I really do my class' hamburger is really really really nice (no sense of propaganda here, by the way). However, I think that the game stall did so-so. Anyway, I think that, though our class is small, we've achieved a lot of things. I really love some of my classmates. Well, about 4 or 5 to be more exact :) Anyway, some of my friends and I went to the Haunted House on the theme of Chinese Opera. I was kinda scared, but my American Idol friend, Joscelyn, suggested that we sang some songs in the Haunted House. So, we decided to sing "All By Myself"! *lmao* It's sooo funny. Actually, I kinda scared of the staircases more than the ghosts. Especially the descending part. I scared I rolled down the lecture-theatre-turned-to-haunted-house hahhahahahaah.

Our burger stall :) (look at the hanging hamburger, happy soda and steamed corn! made by savitha! [it's someone's alias lahh])

I really hope that the Oasis concert next Thursday will be great as well. I'll be going with my Brother and one of his female friends I think. She happened to be one of the Indonesians whom I stumbled across in DeviantArt *lmao* I didn't know that she's my brother's real life friend until last week. After all the experience during the Franz Ferdinand concert, I guess I'm more prepared for Oasis concert. I better start memorising some of their songs, since some of their songs are not as fast as Franz Ferdinand's. I better buy the merchandise stuff before I get into the concert venue. There's actually one Franz Ferdinand Tour T-shirt which I really like, and I saw it before the concert. Sadly, it sold out after the concert. Better luck next time then.

I'm off to get a good night sleep (and hopefully a dream of Joaquin!) Anyway, tata!

Cheers, Olivia

Monday, February 13, 2006

At the moment..

.. I am wearing my Charles & Keith heels. I'm very desperate to wear this for my birthday party. I doubt that I'll be able to ready in time *lol* wish me luck! If you're wondering why I'm so desperate to learn how to wear heels, it's because I saw sooooo many nice high heel shoes and sandals in some stores like U.R.S. and especially Charles & Keith. I'll definitely want to buy a pair of suede court shoes someday (so many nice ones in Charles & Keith!!)

I'm still thinking of my wishlist. There are some things that I really want. But they are rather expensive hehe. Some of them are clothes item, so I think I better take photos of them. I'm scared somebody will buy it wrongly haha. Kiefer's fan is already planning to buy me something. Hopefully it all works out. I love you darling!! I'll give you a nice tight hug next time!! *lmao* Here's a sneak peek to my wishlist so far (don't buy anything first!!! Unless you're really sure I'll like it ;) :

1. A black Zara blouse (I'll photo it. NOTE: I really don't mind getting only this for my Birthday =D)

2. Walk The Line poster (the one Reese is raised over Joaquin, if it's under $20 ONLY)

Then I don't know already. Ahahahahahahahhahahaha. Please give me some more time... By this Friday, I promise.

Ah, about the resolutions last time, here's the progress so far:

1. Reduce my thighs' size through exercising (45% progress)
2. Learn how to wear heels (60% progress)
3. Attend both Oasis and Franz Ferdinand concert (95% progress... unless there are unseen circumstances..)
4. Adapt to my class and enjoy theatre (60% progress...)

Not much progress for thighs reduction, eh. I need some motivation *lmao*


Sunday, February 12, 2006

It ain't me you looking for...

Lots to blog about today. Yesterday is soooo funny. Okay before the funny part, I'd like to talk about something else. My Mom's departure to Manado yesterday is really significant to me. It's the first time in 20 years that she returned to her home town area. My father has always been very protective of her and, I think, sort of easily influenced by my Grandma. Well, I assumed this through the things that my Mom has been telling me. I used to think that her confessions are truth as a whole, but lately, I've been noticing that sometimes she overreacts and exaggerates over certain things. So anyway, our gambling has paid off. When purchasing the ticket, my Mom still didn't know whether she'll eventually make it for the trip. Only after much encouragement from me that she finally purchased the ticket. She was scared that my Father would prevent her from going back, or that he would tag along with her. You see, based on my experience, my father likes to ruin our plans and mood. Intentionally or unintentionally, I don't know. I still cannot forget how he sorta ruined my mood during the New Year celebration in Disneyland. Through the experience I have with my parents so far, I can conclude that, both of my parents sort of have mood swings easily. I'm really really happy for my Mother. I'm not sure why, but she doesn't dare to speak her mind to my Dad. Communication breakdown. I sincerely hope this occasion will help her to learn something. I sure have learnt a lot from her. Especially about ________ *lmao*

Anyway, let's talk about the fun part. I met up with Steph Ng yesterday in Cine to eat Subway in Cineleisure. Cineleisure is damn crowded with Singapore Idols audition participants and people visiting the Lime flea market. The flea market didn't turn bad at all. If you are a petite kind of girl, you will be able to find a lot of nice stuff there. Sadly, I don't have that kind of body *haha* Sometimes, I really hate my bulging stomach. Better do more sit-ups *lol* Then my Mom will stop saying about it. Anyway, I managed to get this cute Chatterbox T-shirt in the flea market for free. Somebody from Meritus Mandarin Hotel passed it to me. It's damn cute!! *lol* The chicken on the tee looks so spastic.

Being a great fan of Ewan McGregor and Christian Bale, Steph and I decided to watch this DVD which starred both of them in my house. Despite the one who bought the DVD, I forgot that Jonathan Rhys-Meyer is also in the movie. The movie is awful and, in one word, gross. Our favourite actors are gays in that show *lol* Jonathan Rhys-Meyers is especially gay! Okay.. gay in capital letters. GAY. Both of us couldn't stop laughing at the early scene where Jon was wearing a really tight stage costume and then, out of the blue, shook his butt gayly. Oh my gawd, that guy could really act *lmao* Thinking that scene until now makes me can't stop laughing. There are lots of explicit scenes in the show, which really grossed both of us out. We can't stop hiding behind my FiRST magazine. The first time we use the magazine, it turned to Brokeback Mountain page. So coincidental *lol* Anyway, later I turned it to Walk The Line page (Joaquin!! *shrieks*) By the way, Ewan McGregor, as I have thought previously, is not that innocent. He strips his pants, and has no undies during one scene of the concert. Our first reaction was "Oh my GAWD!" and then we hid behind the magazine immediately. The show really freaked us out. I think we're corrupted by the show. The movie had changed our perceptions for Christian and Ewan. Anyway, I still think Christian is still hot and sexy! *lmao* I still can't believe that in US, 17 years old can watch that show with their parents tagging along. What the....? Sigh, the rest of yesterday is hilarious. I shall keep it to myself.. teehee.

Today I watched Walk The Line with Steph and Mos!! So happy... I thought that I'm not going to be able to find Steph and Mos in Lido, since I didn't bring my handphone. Thankfully I eventually did. Mos, thank you once again!!! =D =D The show is good as a whole (it's reviewed below). Even though Joaquin's not hot there. He acted really well with Reese Witherspoon. After hearing the original duet singing of "Time's A Wastin'", I thought that Joaquin and Reese's duet are better. Anyway, just my opinion. I love both the original and movie version's of "Ring of Fire". I almost cried at the part where Johnny proposed to June Carter on stage. I think the way the movie shows that scene is really beautiful, especially when John held June over him. I absolutely love that poster of Walk The Line.

Oh ya, before I forgot, I can't believe that the Drama Elective Programme in my school studied Joaquin Phoenix's acting method. I was excited to hear that until I head that the programme catagorises him as a method actor. What the.....? Joaquin had said something that kind of emphasise that he doesn't do method acting. The quote was related to filming Walk The Line, I think. No wonder the DEP teacher metioned his name during the DEP introductory lecture, albeit mispronouncing his name (it's wah-keen!!). I don't want to name my son Joaquin already.. *lol* I don't mind Rafael though.

I tried one nice top in Topshop. I never thought that I could look that sexy *lol* I love it!!!!! I like the balloon skirt as well, but it's rubber-strapped, so I don't think I'll buy it.
Anyway, off to do my homework. Later :)

p.s. I'm still obsessed with that topless Joaquin picture. I've printed it yesterday night *rofl* Here's the full version of the pic :)
The gap at the centre is the folding of the magazine. That look of his face just melts my heart *lol*

Movie Review
Walk The Line (7.5 stars out of 10)
WARNING: this review might be biased *lmao*
The movie is really enjoyable. I thought that Reese and Joaquin's acting are fantastic. They really deserve their Oscar nominations. I still can't believe that Joaquin could act really drunk and mad. I'm not sure why, but I found myself tapping along to the songs they sing to. The story's really touching. It potrays how much a man and a woman can really love each other. The length of the Biopic is just right. It's not as draggy as the Aviator. To those who love watching quality movies, I strongly recommend this show :)

Friday, February 10, 2006

pH 7

'O' level results are finally out *teehee* I got 10. Neutral feelings about it though. As long as I can get in to ACJC, i'm okay with it :) And as the truth has finally been revealed, I can finally relaxed. So glad that kiefer's fan will be joining me in school *lmao* (it's someone's nick lahhh)

Due to stress from the wait of 'O' level announcement, I think, some of my classmates went hyper. Nathania keeps patting my head, and keeps screaming at some people. Then the whole class also laugh a lot yesterday. I, as for the past few days, was also hyper. I can't stop singing nowadays, and I can't stop blabbering about Joaquin Phoenix *lol* By the way, I saw one nice nice picture of Joaquin Phoenix. He was in newest edition of Vanity Fair. Here's the picture:

Ehm okay, that's only half of the picture *lmao* He was topless there *shrieks* He looks so hoootttt there!! Arghhh. I think this picture is to be blamed for my escalating excitement and hyperness over him *lmao* (ms ng, you'll have to bear with me! hahahah)

Today I got interrogated by a member of Discipline Commitee of ACJC. Apparently, they're investigating a case of student misconduct. Not sure who is really involved. I'm only an "eyewitness" I think. I'm not involved at all. When waiting for my form teacher to lead me to the HOD room, I was really scared. I thought that one of my relatives fell sick or something. Argh.

Anyway, I should continue drooling over Joaquin. Can't wait for tomorrow (or Sunday).. *lol*

By the way, I might have to watch "Walk The Line" thrice. Some people in my class suggested that the class watched "Walk The Line" for class outing. Haha.. not that I mind though ^-^

Have a great evening (and morning).

Olivia xo

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Cross Country Baby!

Before I write about Cross Country, I have to sadly confess that... I cannot run away from my nickname "Bo Bice"!!! *cries* Rachel Goh started it yesterday, and before you know it, my classmates began to call me "Bo"!! Arghhhh. It started after swimming lesson. I let my hair down after washing, and then out of a sudden, Rachel said "Olivia, Bo Bice!" Oh my goodness... then some people started looking at me. And some of them said, "Ya ho, she looks like Bo Bice, with the hair and the parting.." What the...............? At least there are other American Idols candidate in my class. As a joke, one girl named herself "Ruben" and another "Carrie Underwood". And Nathania got the nick "the tamer Bo Bice" (though I doubt she knows it).

Anyway, Cross Country is fun today. As you know, we set up a mineral water stall and bagkeeping. And the mineral water was selling like mad especially after the race. In total, we sold 240 bottles for $1 each. I'm glad that since we've raised quite a large sum of money, we do not need to pay much for funds to set up our Fun-O-Rama stall. Since I was really desperate to lose weight, I went to do Cross Country running. For 3.2 km, I ran 65% and walk 35%.. *lol* At least not that bad lahhh.

Walk The Line opens tomorrow. Yeah Baby!!!!!! I've copied its US and international trailer *lol* Hopefully I'll manage to prevent my excitement from exploding when watching "Walk The Line" this weekend ^-^

I've copied this quiz for J.Lo's blog... have fun reading it ;)

1 MINUTE AGO: copying Walk The Line trailer
1 HOUR AGO: shower
1 DAY AGO: being nagged by mom.
1 YEAR AGO: staring at my Closer poster at Jude Law *lol*
I LOVE: Joaquin Phoenix, Christian Bale, great movies, nice indie films, alternative bands, my best friends.
I HATE: arrogant, b***hy people, backstabber
I FEAR: my 'o' level results
I FEEL: happy
I HIDE: my passion for Joaquin and Bale from my relatives. Hahahaha.
I DRIVE: 106 bus ahahahhahah... no car presently.
I MISS: my best buddies, esp. ms ng *lol*
I LEARNT: to control my passion for my handsomes...
I WANT: endless amount of Zara voucher! hahahhaah.. i wish.
I NEED: to sleep soon
I THINK: i'm very obsessed with joaquin presently.

First screen name: oliviag? not fun one lah
First piercing: ears when I was small
First credit card: not yet
First enemy: the primary 5-6 boys in my indo primary school
First musician you remember hearing in your house: oasis?

Last big car ride: huh?!
Last food consumed: Yoshinoya Beef and Tori Karaage combo meal.
Last phone call: with my mom.
Last CD played: Franz Ferdinand- You could have it so much better
Last drink drank: water
Last time scolded: yesterday..

I AM: sleepy
I WANT: to see Walk The Line!!
I HAVE: many dvds to watch!! arghhh
I WISH: that my face have porcelain skin! hopefully in the future.. :)
I WONDER: if i'm going to sleep early tonight
I ALWAYS: go home by Orchard Road (ahahah.. that's so random)
I DANCE: to my Ministry of Sound compilations! hehehehe.
I SING: in class ahahahah.
I CRY: on emotional movies or cartoons ahahhaha.
I WRITE: with my right hand
I WIN: ....
I LOSE: my "Five People You Meet in Heaven" book (did someone borrow it?)
I SHOULD: watch a dvd soon

CRIED? nope
HELPED? help to clear the drink stall?
SAID 'i love you'?: no
WRITTEN A REAL LETTER?: no. btw, when i was 8 or 9, i tried to write a letter to Leonardo DiCaprio.. because that time I was crazy about titanic. But sadly, halfway through writing the letter, I give up. Because all of the grammar stuff hehehehe. Anyway, my best friend then who was crazy about him also, sent her letter *lol*
HUGGED SOMEONE?: yesss.. i love hugging my friends ahhahaha.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Do I?

Arghh.. my Mom is nagging at me now about housework. I know I'm really bad at housework, and sometimes can't be bothered with it. Can't stand her nagging and her "rollercoaster" voice.

Anyway, I was wondering, do I really look like a guai hai zi? Some of my classmates said that when they first see me, they thought that I am a quiet, obedient girl. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I don't know whether I'll take that as a compliment or an insult ^-^ At least now they know that they're so wrong!! Hahahaha. I am lame and, I think, a bit loud. Hehe. Note that the word lame is in italics and bold *lol* I've started singing again (HAHAHHA), and two of my classmates already got influenced by me. Today, when talking about the 'O' level results, I said "Come what may" in my normal voice, not singing it. And then, those friends of mine started singing "Come What May" out of the blue! *lmao* I think some of my classmates also already know that I love Joaquin Phoenix *blushes and giggles* One girl said that Joaquin has intense eyes. I find that amusing *lol* Oh, I've decided that I don't want to name my son Joaquin. People keep pronouncing it Joa-quin, not Wah-keen. For your information, I used to be one of those people. But, it's another Joaquin whose name I mispronounced. Joaquin the Spanish footballer.

Regarding tomorrow's Cross Country, I'm considering of running. You see, we have too many people who are in charge of the bagkeeping. And so, two of the people will have to run. I think I'll run. I am desperate to lose some weight. I didn't run on Monday. I feel that these few days, I've gorged down too many amount of food. I want to lose weight. And I better start doing my thigh-reducing exercise again *lol*

After school today, I went around Takashimaya to sightsee. After seeing Dairy Queen's Blizzard task in The Apprentice 2 days ago, I really felt like eating Blizzard. And so I did. After that, I went around to see some stuff to put in my wishlist. So far, the things that I want are quite expensive, and I don't really want them that badly. There's this novel that I'm considering of putting into my wishlist, but it's super expensive for a novel. I think it's so not worth it... You know when I saw the new Empire magazine today, I thought, someone could just give me Empire magazine as my birthday present. It's rather expensive as a magazine I think... Hmm. Anyway, don't buy anything for my birthday first (unless you're really sure I'll like it). I'm still clueless of what I want.

I got to go. Later.

P.S. 3 more days to results. Arghh...

Monday, February 06, 2006

10 Feb It Is

It's official. The GCE 'O' Level Results will be released on Friday, 10 February! Arghhhhh. Anyway, I can't wait to get it over and done with. I just can't believe that the moment of truth is very near. Haha. Here's the link to the page on MOE webpage

Anyway, I watched "Match Point" yesterday with Jessica and Ness. Bad news Steph, it was good! (The movie's reviewed below). And so, I have three movies left to watch. Munich, maybe Mrs. Henderson Presents, and of course Walk The Line (I caught half of its trailer yesterday before "Match Point" begins haha.) Actually, I'm not that really interested in Munich. But since it's nominated for Oscars, I'll force myself to watch it *lol* I think it should be good. The movie got nominated for "Best Picture" and "Best Director" for Steven Spielberg.

I love NYDC cakes. Okay, so far I've eaten only two cakes there. The Big O and the Goldmine cake. Both of them are super super super nice. I plan to go back and try out the other cakes there *lmao*

I need to begin searching for stuff to put on my Birthday wishlist. Arghh.. this year I really have a hard time thinking of what I want. So far, I've only got one item. I really really don't mind getting this item ONLY for my birthday *lmao*

I've changed my bedroom posters. So bye bye Batmans and Chicken Little and Ocean Twelve. Hello, Walk The Line, Batman (again, but different poster), Narnia and Superman (hahahahahahahahahahah). It's ridiculous that only when pasting the 2nd poster, which is Batman, that I realised I've pasted the wrong side of 3M tapes *lol* So, hopefully when I take the 1st two posters down, nothing bad will happen to the posters *cross fingers*. The worst thing about the poster change is that... I've pasted the giant S "Superman" poster beside my pillow *rofl* I can't find any other nice posters to put beside my pillow (last time it was Chicken Little). I considered putting "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" or "Narnia", but then I thought Willy Wonka and Aslan will scare me off in my sleep and give my nightmares...

I was fortunate that today, I manage to go unpunished for PE lesson. I forgot to bring my PE attire. And I really had a bad stomach ache then.

Okay, I've got to sleep now. Later.

Movie Review
Match Point (7.5 stars out of 10)
First of all, if you think that the movie had changed my perception on Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, you're wrong. Well, actually, I thought that he's not as ugly as I thought he was. But still, I think he is ugly. Anyway, the movie started very slowly. And I don't really get the opera background voice *lol* I really like the plot. Once Chris met Nola, the movie picked up its pace. And what I really really love from the movie is its twisted end. I can't believe that Woody Allen could think of such nice ending. I found quite amusing the part where Chris was interrogated by the Detective. Jonathan was an actor in Match Point, and then in that scene, he really had to act really really sad to the police as Chris. I find that thought quite amusing *lol* The chemistry between Scarlett Johanson and Jonathan is good. I highly recommend this movie. Though the movie's beginning is really boring, the middle part is worth the wait.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Okay, this sort of made my day today...

ZO postcard for Walk the Line!!!! *shrieks* I found a bunch in the school's void deck's ZO postcards holder. And so, I took five.. *lmao*

Yesterday I forgot to write this episode... (how could i?) Chendrawati told me that while she was watching "Amelie", she was rather frustrated that the English subtitle of the movie is very different from the conversations in the movie. I can't help it, but I gave her this look O_O I asked her, "what are you talking about?!" It's really hilarious because Amelie is a French movie *rofl* And I don't know how on earth, but Chen said that the conversations in the movie sounded really English to her. I was like "Huh?!?!" Whoa whoa... French talent hidden inside ah Chen! =D I can't stop laughing thinking about that episode.

3 days ago, IMdB held this poll : What guy would you send a "Please Be Mine" valentine to? And as I looked at the options, Christian Bale caught my eyes first. Since all the options are in hyperlinked (which means that they linked to the actor's page on IMdB), Christian's was highlighted in Red, since that day I had visited his page. Anyway, if I've not looked at the other options, I would have chosen Christian straight away *drools* So, I looked at the other options.. and saw Joaquin Phoenix in the other options too. Oh, heck. Dilemma. Ahhhhh.... cuteness versus sexiness ahahahah. I started imagining.... and thought Christian will be a better choice =D He's so hooooootttt okay!!! Joaquin is rather shy... and I can be rather shy too when meeting someone for the first time. Two shy people *sigh* So, in the end, I chose Christian *smilesssss* By the way, Johnny Depp topped the poll with 1673 votes (15.3%) (smile steph smileee!). Jake Gyllenhaal was second with 14.3%, Christian (!!!) was third!! Yay. And Joaquin was fourth.. ahahhahaah. (8.4% and 5.3% respectively). 10962 votes collected. Here's the page link

Today was rather okay. Oh ya, yesterday I found out that... I can skip running for Cross country!!!! YEAHHHHH!!!! My class will be setting up drink stall and bagkeeping service during the Cross Country, and I'll be one of those in charge of bagkeeping *teehee* We drew lot yesterday, and I got the paper with a cross on it, which means no running. Haha! Anyway, I had a great chat with Nathania today. In one word, she, as a person, is interesting. Really. She's not the guai guai type of girl as I first thought. *lol*

Anyway, I'm off to do my homework now. Tomorrow I'll be going to watch ACJC's theatre production titled "The Guys" (whose t-shirts I sew yesterday) with Nathania. It better be a great production, since I paid $10 for it haha. $10 allows you to eat Pepper Lunch curry beef meal or 8 sticks of Toli-Q chicken balls okayyy! *lmao*


Wednesday, February 01, 2006


First of all, why doesn't anyone want to watch "Match Point"? Hey, the fact that Jonathan Rhys-Meyer is there doesn't discourage me of watching that film *lol* (if you had not known, I think that Jonathan Rhys-Meyer is really really ugly.. just my opinion ^-^).

Anyway, I can't believe that the Straits Times posted the wrong date for the release of Walk the Line. It has been postponed to next week dear. When I saw the movie's review today in the newspaper, I was pretty excited when I saw 'opens tomorrow' for Walk the Line. To my disappointment, they got the date wrong : So, it'll still be one more week to seeing Joaquin on the BIG screen *smiles like crazy*. Actually I'm left with about 30 minutes of the film. I managed to catch some more part of the movie. So far, so good. I didn't know that Joaquin can be so good at acting as a rather crazy person *lmao*.

I'm soo happy that Joaquin and Jake Gyllenhaal got Oscar nominations for their roles. Yay!! Yay!! Yay!!

Today's school actually wasn't that bad. My class did a bit of fund-raising for money to set up our stalls for Fun-O-Rama, and we managed to earn quite a large sum of money.. without even doing advertising in the morning assembly ^-^ Actually, with my lack os sleep yesterday, I expected that I'll fall asleep in some points of the day. Well, I didn't most of the time (except for Maths lecture, where I just had to take 40 winks... it's super boring). Drama was surprisingly enjoyable today, even though we only did sewing t-shirts for this week's Drama production called "The Guys" and dismantling some sets. I had fun talking to this guy named Darren in the crew. We just talk, talk, talk. He likes watching Reality TV, he said.. and, surprise surprise, he watches "America's Next Top Model" *lmao* Anyway, Drama today ends at 7.30 pm, which actually is okay compared to my last drama rehearsal.

And so, I'm off to sleep now. I'll do my Chinese Homework during the free periods tomorrow. Oh, I almost forgot, my class co-ordinator, who looks very angelic and naive, isn't that innocent at all! *lmao* Anyway, if anyone wants to watch "Match Point" with me, please please please tell me okay!!!
