Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hold on to my senses..

I had my hair cut to shoulder-length yesterday. I had it layered as well. I have a side parting now haha... now my forehead is less prominent :P Maybe I'll post a photo of me soon haha.

I didn't manage to watch "Insomnia" on Sunday, because by the time I finished my Chinese composition, it was already quite late haha. And then when I was about to watch "Insomnia" yesterday, I realised that there is something wrong with my mathetical calculation. On Sunday, I found out that Insomnia is 115 minutes long, and I don't know why but I thought that it's about 1 hour 35 minutes long. And then yesterday, as I was hanging my laundry, I realised that its length is close to 2 hours. Ahh.. what is wrong with my maths calculation? Since I reached home quite late yesterday, at 8.30 pm after having my hair cut, I decided to watch a shorter length movie instead. So I choose "Maria, Full of Grace". (Ok, the name Maria reminds me of J.Lo haha. See.. Maria can be funky as well haha)

The movie is reviewed below by the way.

This week has been rather relaxing haha. I shall enjoy this week.

Later dudes :)

Movie Review

Maria Full of Grace (7.5 stars out of 10)
This movie is good. Love the plot and the characters in the movie, particularly Maria (obviously, since she's the central character). I just love how the actress really brought innocence to her. I feel the ending was rather too abrupt though. The movie started quite slowly, but once the drug mule deal started, the movie really starts kicking in. An enjoyable movie to watch :)

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