Monday, January 30, 2006

Happy, contented woman

Firstly, I have to confess that I'm officially addicted to a PS2 game named "Guitar Hero"!! Talking about dreaming of becoming a rock star ehhhhh... There are so many nice rock songs that I can play in this game. Strangely, I'm not that interested in Sims 2 anymore. Anyway, I still have to finish playing Fatal Frame 2. The final boss is so freaking irritating!! I almost defeated it yesterday, just short of one shot, and then before I got the chance too, it killed me *faints* I was screaming like mad, with my brother sitting beside me laughing like mad.

Anyway, Chinese New Year's celebration is okay. I had dinner yesterday with my relatives, and lunch as well with them today. And then... I had dinner with my cousins and auntie and my family in Shangrila today!! Okay, honestly, the food was not as nice compared to the last time I ate there. Weird. The Bread Pudding somewhat didn't taste as nice as last time. That time when I first ate it, I was totally in heaven. It was FANTASTIC! Anyway, hopefully the next time I go back there, it'll be as marvelous as the first time, or maybe better! ^^

I'm quite happy with my angpaos.. *lmao* though 95% comes from my parents.. ^^

Anyway, I better start clearing up my homework. I don't feel like going out tomorrow. I don't feel like having dinner and lunch outside home tomorrow. I need to lose weight. I need to hibernate. I feel like a pregnant woman now. Even though I still do not know how it feels to be really pregnant. Hmm.. that reminds me of something sad...

Have it ever come across your mind of how horrible it'll feel as a girl if you lose your virginity to a guy, and the next thing you found out is that you're carrying his child?



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