Monday, November 13, 2006

Astonish Me!

MUSE : A source of inspiration.

The sad truth is that I haven't found anyone (again) whom I can execute my photography ideas. The reasons seem to fall under the categories of either mood or gender suitability. As many people would have known, ACJC girls are pretty. Some of those I know are pretty, but I think they're unsuitable for the concepts I plan to do. Maybe someday some events will prove me wrong, leading me to see a different side of the person? Hmm.

Or does this event trying to guide me to turn to self-potraits? My tripod is in Hong Kong. So too bad, can't carry out any plans.

Hopefully aircon valley will rescue me from this artistic crisis.

Cheers :)

PS. Miss Mos when I think about this.

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