Monday, November 27, 2006

Missed but Didn't Mind

So, due to my flu, I didn't go to watch Man Utd vs Chelsea match yesterday. Actually me and Mom was contemplating to watch at Hard Rock Cafe or Marco Polo Hotel, but it's also already too late at night (12.00 am) so yeah decided to stay at home. At least I'm glad to find out it comes out as a draw.. better than defeat for Man Utd right? :)

This spurred me even more to subscribe cable in Singapore. BUT, yesterday I found out that the cable provider which currently holds EPL broadcast license in Hong Kong has lost its bid for the next 3 or 4 season EPL broadcast license to another provider. So this is interesting. I don't know whether to wait for next year and immediately subscribe to the other provider, or to be desperate enough to subscribe to the current license holder and switched to another next year haha. I think I'd most probably wait till next season then I'll subscribe cable.

Ahh, the weather has been sickening :( and thus I fell sick. The weather is either rainy or sunny. Then if you wear a jacket outside, when you have to go into the MTR station, you would have to take the jacket off cause it'll be too hot inside :( I think I fell sick because of this.

I'm going back to Singapore tomorrow. Though I'm not sure how long I'll stay in Singapore. Most probably 2-3 days.

I keep forgetting to write this. But last week, when in Macau, I was reading Book of Revelation (from the hotel's bible haha). I don't know if it's the full version or not. But it's scary enough. Thinking of how dramatic and scary the doom day could be frigtens me.

Anyway, later :)

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Hello World

Hello. This past few days have been rather okay. Nothing significant happened.

I'm glad that I'll be returning to Singapore next week. Not 6 december. That will be way too long. Though it means that I'll miss The Science of Sleep... I really want to watch that show! :( I don't think it'll ever make it to Singapore *thinks of Gael Garcia Bernal haha*

I'm not surprised that this round of trip would not yield much shopping purchase. Besides the DVDs (about 8 in total?), I only managed to get 2 bags, and just today a pair of jeans haha. Okay I should be thankful that I got something at least :)

There are a few stuff which I like while looking through some shops. Some tops from Mango, and a pair of pants-cum-skirt which I saw in French Connection haha. It was sooooo cute. Though the price doesn't really make sense. So I shall wait for sale (as usual).

Finally I found a shop (or more of a booth actually) that sells cult jeans in Hong Kong (eg. True Religion, Paper Denim, Blue Cult.) The price... let me say... is amazing. Haha.

I watched my first ever Alfred Hitchcock show yesterday, which is titled Vertigo. It also becomes the oldest movie I've ever watched thus far. Anyway, it was terrific. Something different from the modern films that I've been watching lately (well, excluding Manhattan, which is a Woody Allen movie). It was kinda scary.. haha. Not horror kind of scary.. more of suspense.

(Both Manhattan and Vertigo are reviewed below).

Let me ask you (to girls only), do you prefer to have 1) smaller frame but shorter height or 2) more curvacious frame but taller height ----> harder to find clothes haha.

I found out that Kanye West concert in Hong Kong will be held near my house O_o Like 10 minutes walk haha. Sadly I would have left Hong Kong on the same day. I wonder if I could hear the singing from my flat. (The distance is a bit more than the distance between my SG house and Ashlee Simpson concert venue). Some construction has started on the place (it's outdoor, open-spaced, with the beautiful backdrop of Hong Kong Island).

More later :)

PS Can't wait for the big football clash tomorrow... if only I can watch it for sure.

PPS Eh, found out from a magazine that one Adidas outlet in Causeway Bay sold the same jacket worn by Robbie Williams jacket in the Rudebox cover. How interesting.

Movie Reviews
Manhattan (6.5 stars out of 10)
I guess I have a too high expectation for this movie. Too high I guess. It falls short of my expectation. Some people said that it's one of the best Woody Allen's works. Well, I kinda disagreed. I found the plot cliche and rather draggy. Well, at least I can appreciate the beautiful cinematography of this movie. This movie is shot in Black and White (it's a 1979 movie by the way). There's one scene which I will never forget. I'll show you the picture another day.

Vertigo (8.0 stars out of 10)
Well, let me say that this is the prime example of how important is score and sound effects in suspense/thriller movie. The plot is interesting, with lots of character development and twist. It's thankfully not as eerie as I expected haha (though I'm still not ready to watch Psycho haha). Ehm, I learn a lot about filming techniques from this movie. I guess this movie really stands out from other movies that I've watched thus far. If you're a movie buff, well this movie is a must watch. True classic (oh, classic is also the iconic staircase zoom shot haha).

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I keep forgetting to write this. There's a Krispy Kreme shop in Hong Kong hahahah so happy. So yeah, I had my first bite of it 3 days ago (I never had the opportunity to visit Indo's Krispy Kreme =( ) So delicious! I think the donut shop in Indo called Jacko tried to copy it. Well, the Krispy Kreme's donuts are still better.

Today I'm amused by the fact that the director of Se7en, Fight Club and the upcoming Zodiac had directed some music videos for Paula Abdul O_O That's interesting... but it's still not as bad as the fact of a director who did both X-Men III and Jessica Simpson's "A Public Affair" video haha.

Hmm,yesterday I saw this news on Channel Newsasia on James Bond being beaten by the penguins in box office. Then they have a clip of Daniel Craig as Bond in it. My father saw the new Bond and said,
"How come he's not handsome?"


Monday, November 20, 2006

First Time

.. So here are the final reviews of The Departed and Volver (and some other movies).

Movie Reviews
The Departed (8.0 stars out of 10)
I love how Scorcese adds more layers to the characters and more complexity to the plot of the movie as well. Well, whether you'll like this one or Infernal Affairs more depends on whether you like more direct stories or more complicated stories. Hmm, one thing that is not different from the two movies is the Cop being an annoying character. Matt Damon is super annoying here haha. Some people may say that Jack Nicholson steals the show. Well I think he does. Just that Mark Wahlberg steals more attention than him. Anyway, everyone should go and watch this show.

Volver (8.5 stars out of 10)
First thing first, ehmm.... some of the wedges worn by Penelope Cruz are soooo pretty haha. Okay, I thought this movie is very beautiful and has a lot of meanings to it. Well, one main theme is this movie will be death (a number of events associated with death occurred in the movie). This movie is better than I expected. Anyone who likes light-hearted movies will like this. Ehm, if anyone wants to watch this when it is released on March 2007, do tell me. Cause I want to watch it again heh. Oh ya, guys will enjoy some scenes in the movie (no it's not that open, just that it teases you :) )

Janji Joni- Joni's Promise (7.5 stars out of 10)
I thought this is a different kind of comedy with more unique plot and characters, though it gets draggy towards the end. Well, the movie circles around a boy who is in charge with transporting film reels around theatres. The movie explains that some theatres have to share movie reels, because the distributor are not willing to pay more for additional movie reels. And so the boy is in charge with transporting parts of the film reels as a movie progresses in 2 theatres. I heard that this is one of the better Indonesian movies that come out over the recent years, and I was not disappointed by it after watching it. One memorable line: (the narrator talks about how everyone would certainly be able to relate at least a movie to their lives, then the camera falls on a lady. The lady said...) "I think my life is like Bridget Jones', but where's my Hugh Grant?" Oh ya, another reason of me catching this movie is because it is shown in Cinema Europa, which is a special theatre for Indie Films in GV Vivocity. The chairs are nice to sit on haha. Anyway, I had a good laugh watching this show.

Sex, Lies and Videotapes (7.0 stars out of 10)
This is the first ever feature film by Steven Sodenbergh, who directed Erin Brockovich and Ocean Eleven too. Anyway, I really wonder how he was able to tell a great story using only limited number of settings. Hmm, don't get the wrong idea from the title. It's more verbally suggestive than visually suggestive. I was quite surprised that the Dad of Seth in OC played one guy in this movie who was having an affair with his wife's sister. The movie is edgy and kind of unconventional. Something different from what I usually watches. You'll either hate or like this movie.

In The Mood of Love (7.5 stars out of 10)
Before I continue, I'd like to say that I think I'm a bit of crazy of watching 4 movies in two days haha. Okay, I've been wanting to watch this movie! Because I've heard many wondeful things from it, and also... slightly because inside got Tony Leung (without beard haha). Anyway, I enjoy the movie. I think the director really places a lot of emphasis in creating different moods in the movie. The setting and the cinematography are carefully constructed for each scene. One thing that I found out of this movie is its rather unusual style of editing. Some scenes are purposely left to be choppy. I found the ending really sad :( On the last note, Maggie Cheung's very pretty in this show. Her cheongsams are beautiful as well hehe. Hmm, some people may find this movie very boring.

Okie, done with movie reviews. I've just come back from Macau actually. And guess what? I had my first experience of gambling haha. I tried Jackpot and Roulette. Seriously, I think Jackpot is the lousiest way of losing money in Casino. Roulette is so much more fun haha. Dad, Mom and I usually shares the tokens and the bets hoho. My father said that gambling is like adult's kind of gaming. Haha by the way, I could relate this gambling experience to my Project Work project on gaming addiction haha. Now I know how similar both forms of addiction are, though gaming is more of free of charge, while gambling is really about your money. Though most of the time I was in Wynn Casino (I stayed in its hotel too, which is absolutely gorgeous), I also visited Sands Casino, since I was kinda curious of it as it was going to build Marina Bay's IR. Well, I think Sands is a beatiful casino, nicer than Wynn I must say, albeit there are more people in Sands, and too much smokers :s Seriously I hope the Marina Bay IR will be nice. I don't mind Harrah or Genting winning the Sentosa bid.

One thing I learn today is that one person must learn to admit one's mistake, or else you'll lose the respect of others. If ever I make a mistake and I deny it, please poke me :) and I'll be grateful.

:) more next time.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Okay, I can talk about it (or them)

Hmm... so if you're still wondering which movie I watched yesterday, well since I've watched another one, I can tell it to you now. Haha, it's the Departed :D :D :D

Before I start, from now on, my blog font will be bigger :) (so that no one gets eye sore or something muahaha.. though the original font size looks okay from my server O_O)

Anyway, I'd like to do something different for this entry.... Let me recount of my experience with The Departed and Volver (that's the other show). Well, before I reached Hong Kong 2 days ago, I found out last week that there is the possibility that both shows will still be played in Hong Kong when I reached there. Well, thankfully 1 or 2 theatres are still playing them when I reach here.

Before watching the shows
Which of the two movies do you look more forward to in Hong Kong?
Well, it'll be Volver. This is probably due to me having accepted the fact that I'll never catch The Departed in the theare ever.

Why are you interested in both movies?
The Departed: because of good reviews and of course Leonardo DiCaprio haha.
Volver: Good reviews (especially for Penelope Cruz's acting)

Which of the two movies do you think will be better?
Well, I thought the Departed will be much better. Maybe it's because the movie reaches more masses than Volver does, hence the higher number of good reviews for the Departed.

Do you think Leonardo DiCaprio is handsome?
Err duh. Haha. In a matured manner.

Do you think Penelope Cruz is pretty?
I think she's so so haha.

If you have to choose watching between the two movies, which one will you choose?
Volver. (I've accepted over Departed's M18 rating.)

After watching the shows

Which of the two movies do you enjoy mored?
Hmm, surprisingly it's Volver. Well, both movies are good, but I thought Volver leaves more lasting impression than the Departed. However, both movies are still worth watching.

Did Martin Scorscese butcher Infernal Affairs?
Nope. Actually he makes the story more complex and gives more layers to the characters. I guess you'll understand the personality of the characters more.

Which one is better then: Infernal Affairs or The Departed?
Hmm, if you're the kind of person who like more direct story, then it'll be Infernal Affairs. More hours and more complex plot? The Departed. Sorry I still can't decided which one I like more. I think it's better to let the two movies stand on their own.

Is the M18 rating justified?
Nope actually. I don't think the HK version is censored or anything. I don't know, I thought the level of violence is okay. Just some shootings on the head of some people haha.

What makes Volver so special?
The twists of the story is one. I think the revelation towards the end of the movie is kinda surprising and makes you understand certain events in the movie. Penelope's acting, I have to agree, is superb. Hmm, I heard this movie is one of the more tame ones by Pedro Almodovar. (Bad Education anyone?)

Which movies would you recommend?
Both. Please go and see both of them.

What do you think of Leonardo DiCaprio and Penelope now?
Well, my level of craziness of Leo will not shoot up. Haha he doesn't look that astonishingly handsome haha.. more of rugged kind. Penelope... I think she's pretty now.

More tomorrow. The Clubhouse is closing :(

Friday, November 17, 2006


I watched a movie that makes me really happy today. I won't tell you what it is yet, until tomorrow. Because I'm planning to write about it tomorrow along with another movie.

Clue 1: The movie will definitely be in my top movies of 2006.
Clue 2: I feel like hugging someone's face (hahaha.... once you know the movie, you'll know why I said that)

Anyway, it was my first time going to Tai Koo area in Hong Kong for ages (hmm, I don't think that the Tai Koo sugar cubes are found in or named after this area haha). Hmm, the Cityplaza shopping centre kinda reminds me of Times Square in Causeway Bay. Same owner? O_o

I didn't expect that the movie will be housed in this special room called "Director's Club". Haha, it's basically like the GV Gold Class room in Singapore (though since I've never been to Gold Class before, I can't compare the standard of both cinemas). So anyway, I have to pay HK$175 to watch the movie haha. That is like.. S$35 O_O Expensive I know. But I think it'll really kill me if I decide not to watch the movie. I'll regret in a crazy manner. Anyway I've been wanting to watch it ever since I found out in Singapore that Hong Kong may still play the movie when I reach here. Well, since the cinema is the only one left to play the show, I have no choice but to watch it there. But anyway, I'll be watching another show in another place tomorrow (a closer one). Actually the place last played the movie on Wednesday. I don't know why, but they decided to reopen it for the coming weekend. Haha, I'm really grateful for that :D The ticket will cost about HK$70. So yeah :)

Let me review some movies that I've watched over the week. Hmm.. interesting choices I must admit.

Movie Review
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (7.5 stars out of 10)

Hahaha, this movie is hilarious. I thought the pairing of Val Kilmer and Robert Downey junior is interesting. Hmm, the part where Val Kilmer shoots from his ehem ehem (covered of course) will forever be left in my mind I guess haha. Now I wonder why Singapore never showed this movie last year (or did they? Too little publicity?)

Y Tu Mama Tambien (8.0 stars out of 10)
I love how the story progresses. You just have to compare how the story begins and how it ends. Hmm, I must admit that this is the most erotic movie I've ever seen in my life. Thankfully no elephant was shown (hmm, a prosthetic one doesn't count okay!). The casting is perfect too. Oh, and the cinematography is brillianttttttt! Ahh. I don't know why some part of the road trip reminds me of the outskirt of Bandung haha.

Haha okie more reviews tomorrow.

Last note: I want a Calvin Klein jeans!! :( Some jeans are on sale but no more sizes for me :(

Anyway to make it simple, I just want a new pair of jeans.

Ahhh.. Sogo sale is like crazy.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Overseas at the moment..

Hey, I'm in Hong Kong at the moment. I think I'll be here for at least 2 weeks or so (depends on whether my parents will change the departure date from Hong Kong).

If I ever go MSN online, then I'll only be in MSN by 10.30 pm. 10.30 pm is the time in which the Clubhouse (which houses the computers at the bottom of my apartment) closes.

So yeah :)

More later.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Astonish Me!

MUSE : A source of inspiration.

The sad truth is that I haven't found anyone (again) whom I can execute my photography ideas. The reasons seem to fall under the categories of either mood or gender suitability. As many people would have known, ACJC girls are pretty. Some of those I know are pretty, but I think they're unsuitable for the concepts I plan to do. Maybe someday some events will prove me wrong, leading me to see a different side of the person? Hmm.

Or does this event trying to guide me to turn to self-potraits? My tripod is in Hong Kong. So too bad, can't carry out any plans.

Hopefully aircon valley will rescue me from this artistic crisis.

Cheers :)

PS. Miss Mos when I think about this.

Friday, November 10, 2006


30s f-bombs between two people.

17 of them are said by me haha.

Before you get the wrong idea, we were just reading a South Park script. That explains the vulgarity haha. We were looking for a script where we can swear a lot... since we'll never do it in real life (unless the circumstances are really bad).

Hey, I'll only swear when I'm acting. Won't do it in real life, unless I'm really really annoyed by someone.

This will surely go to my list of most memorable moments of 2006. It's an extremely funny moment.

Kids, please don't read the script. South Park isn't as innocent as they seem to be.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

More Artistic Satisfaction

Today I went to visit some venues of the Singapore Biennale 2006. I went around with Serene, Sabrina and Peggy. After visiting some of the more isolated sites myself yesterday, I went to City Hall and Tanglin Camp again.

Let me begin by recollecting yesterday's experience. Having nothing to do and no one other than myself living at my house currently (yes, my mom has decided to take a course in Hong Kong), I went to Waterloo Street, Queen Street and the Sultan Mosque in Bugis. Hmm, let me say that some of the art installations are interesting. However, I left home a bit late, and so the installations in St. Joseph and St. Peter and Paul churches are alrea
dy closed. I shall visit those churches again one of these coming days (cause the Singapore Biennale will be finishing on this Sunday, 12 Nov. And.. some of the sites will have Friday as their last day of exhibition). I must say as of yesterday, the most memorable exhibitions are those in Sculpture Square (where there are lots of broken ceramics on the floor), a Hindi temple near Sculpture Square (can't remember the name >.<>

Today I found some more memorable artworks in Tanglin Camp (it's accessible through the shuttle buses available for the Singapore Biennale period). Hmm, one of the most interesting ones are one where there is a mic in the room and it faces to a wall pasted with a giant picture of japanese ladies screaming. You know those kind of if you see an idol and then you'll scream. Those kind of scream. Not like Ju-on kind of scream. Anyway, you're supposed to speak into the mike. The louder you speak into the mike, the louder the women will scream for you haha. So, I jokingly said to the mike, "Am I pretty?" And of course they screamed for me haha. I guess it's very good to raise one's self-esteem.

Oh here's some pictures of the displays.

Another of my favourite art installation. One of the most beautiful and artistic room I have ever seen.

In one of the art installations. It feels like I'm in an igloo O_O With Sabrina

The metal structure thing behind Cineleisure which I overlooked haha.

Oh yeah, if you're visiting some of Singapore Biennale venues partly because of the badge collection, the badges are already out of stock in City Hall and Tanglin Camp. The isolated places still have them though.

Later dudes :)

Monday, November 06, 2006


I feel so stupid today, after discovering some structures that have existed like for 2 months, and still I didn't know they are art installations O_O I feel like strangling myself haha. How can I be sooo blind? Anyway, I'll post the pictures tomorrow. Then you'll see how stupid I am.

If you don't notice those structures as well, well all I can say is I know how you feel haha.

Oral Presentation is over! YAY! I think the OP went really well. I guess the practice paid off. Thanks for the great time together, AC 014. Though sometimes I feel like strangling some people, but still I enjoy working with you guys ;)

Signing off as a PW group leader.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


The following conversation has been translated from Indo haha.
Olivia: "Mommy, see what I win from MTV!"

Mother: "Eh, Leonardo. Ha, that's all you win from MTV?"

Ai yohhh why is her reaction so anti-climax? The 3 posters are super big, gigantic, humongous (spelling?), titanic (ahaha). I don't think I'll paste it to my wall just like that. I'll frame it. The posters are the double-sided ones. Double-sided= Super Expensive in real life. There is this movie memoribilia shop in Esplanade and Suntec City called "Popcorn" which sells high-quality posters. Double-sided posters are sold $35 each there. So, I think if ever I decide to sell the posters (which is very unlikely), I'll be able to fetch $100 at least hahaha. Since I'm not gonna hang the posters at the moment, I shall paste the other movie posters first. If you're wondering which Departed movie posters they are, they are the ones hang in the Singapore bus stops. The individual posters of Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon and (ehem ehem) Leonardo Dicaprio. I'm especially excited to hang up the Leonardo poster *ahh..*

Oh ya, speaking of Leonardo, I dreamt of him last night hahaha. I dreamt that he was my classmate (in real life he's already 32, so this will never happen in real life) and then he gave me a fish tank full of sea creatures for me to take care of haha. Why fish tank? I don't know. Spongebob Squarepants?

Spongebob Squarepants lead me to think of Nickelodeon, which shares office with MTV in Singapore hehe. The MTV office is sooooo cool. I think every receptionist wannabe should dream of working there. I went to the previous MTV office before in Tanjong Pagar. At first, when I looked at the lobby of the building where the new MTV office is located (it's beside Dhoby Ghaut MRT), I thought I won't be as nice as the previous office. Turns out that I was wrong. It was sleek cool and very modern. Ahh, if ever I can work on MTV.

You know like last week I was talking to my Mom on whether I should try to work in Disneyland during the long break after As. Well, I was so determined that I went to check out the job requirements in the HK Disneyland website. I was extremely disappointed when I found out that every job required you to be fluent in basic Cantonese. Ahhh... so sad. Le hoi! (hahahah, don't know how to type that). All I can say properly in Cantonese is the question of where is the toilet haha. I guess the Disneyland visitors would be asking me that if I ever work in Disneyland HK.

I watch the Prestige (again) with Emma today. Ahh, Christian Bale is so hot :D :D :D Though he didn't go topless or anything hahaah (unlike Hugh Jackman... somebody must be happy). Anyway, the Prestige posters are out of stock in the Cathay box office. Sigh. No tearing of poster haha. Then we went to Plaza Singapura and went to Times Bookshop, because the Prestige poster on its front glass wall caught our eyes. It said something like if you purchase the book, you'll get the premium. We didn't realise that the cover of the book is displayed in the details beside the poster, until one of the bookshop assistants point out to us where the Prestige books are. Oh my gosh. The cover of the book is soooooooo frickin' (excuse me) ugly. It's horrendous and doesn't do justice to the book. I've seen the book with another far more nice cover. So in the end, I didn't purchase the book. Though I was quite tempted too seeing a Prestige poster being rolled up behind the cashier haha. The poster is a double-sided one too. Sigh.

I watched Silence of the Lambs 3 days ago. It is reviewed below. I've borrowed from Emma 2 Monty Python movies. I will see if they are as lame or lamer than Airplane! Hahaha.

Oh ya, I didn't realise this until Emma said this. You'll get why I smile every time I thought of it. She said, "I know why you want to watch the Prestige over and over again. It's because Bale keeps saying 'I love you, Olivia'". Hahahaha... I seriously never thought of that O_O

Later folks!

Movie Review
Silence of the Lambs (8.0 out of 10 stars)
I would honestly said that this is one of the best movies I've ever watched. But it's not the kind of the movie which I'll watch over and over again (like say Life is Beautiful or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind). This movie is very character-driven. It is scary, but not a horror kind of scary. It's more of a psychological thriller. Anyway, I like how the plot layers the characters and moves the movie forward. I don't know why, until now, I can still imagine in my head the part where Anthony Hopkin's character Hannibal said "I ate the liver of a census man with a chiati.." blah blah.. and then he made this very funny sound and expression. It just freaks me out. Anyway, to movie buffs out there, I'd strongly recommend you to watch this show. (However, do not show this to kids, or else they may be traumatised particularly by a scene, like someone haha).