Saturday, September 16, 2006

Only I Can..

Hello! Hmm.. so yesterday was quite an interesting day. I took the new bus for the first time. The bus which is handicapped friendly. I thought that the bus is far more spacious than the older buses, which is a good thing. I noticed the folded ramps of the bus and the stop button for the handicapped only. I didn't go up to see the double decker top part though.

Yesterday I saw one of the most beautiful scenes I have ever seen in my entire life with my own eyes. When I was walking past the 'forest' behind Taka on my way home, I saw lots of mynah there. You can't enter the 'forest' since it's a state property. So, out of sudden, the group of birds just flew off. And it's just one of the amazing things I've ever seen. It's one of the moment where I'd go, "Shit! I should have my camera with me now!". Sigh, hopefully it won't be the only time I saw it again in the 'forest'.

Speaking of gorgeous scenes, I have one of the weirdest scenes in my dream yesterday. I can't really remember how the dream goes, except that I was vacationing with my family. Then there's one scene by the sea. I thought to myself, "Oh ya sunrise is coming soon. I better take a picture of it!". So, I waited for the sunrise. Then it happened. The sun rises very fast up until almost the middle of the sky. Then it started from below the sea again and rises again. Then it started below the sea again and rises again. And it goes on and on and on again. It's one of the weirdest scenes in my dream. How can the sun goes up so fast within a minute to the middle of the sky (noon time) and at a few times at a go? At that point in time in my dream, my camera's battery was a bit low, and there's something wrong with my (legendary) flash light. I don't know why in that dream I took picture with flash and the photo didn't look ugly, compared to the normal impact.

I was discussing with someone yesterday if I have to marry one of my handsomes who it would be. Ahh it's such a difficult choice. For long term, maybe Jake. But.. after what he did with Kirsten Dunst in the previous relationship, I was a bit turned off by him now haha. Hmm...

So, the lonelygirl15 mystery has been solved eh? Was quite surprised that it's all made up hehe.

Later :)

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