Monday, March 27, 2006


On the last entry, I forgot to write that last Monday, I tried a Topshop black balloon skirt with my school uniform. And oh my, it turns out really good hahahaha. I never thought that such thing could happen ^^ Then I went to Mango and tried some white shorts there. Ehm.. I think shorts are definitely out of my league now... I don't look that good in shorts haha.

Anyway, last Thursday was so-so. After school, I went to Holland Village to do some catching up with Nathania. She seemed very happy and chatty on that day :) I really had a great time talking to her. Hopefully I'll see her again soon :)

Friday.. all I could think of is Drama until 9. Though I ate chicken rice at about 4.30 pm, I was hungry again by the time drama ended, and so I ate Burger King's Mushroom Double Meal. Yummy haha. I found 2 classmates who are joining Drama. They have no prior experience in Drama, like me! One is joining Costume department, while the other one would like to do acting.

Speaking of Drama, I've decided to quit after the Tempest. I am going to join Guitar Ensemble. As much as I'd like to join Photography as well, I can't, as the schedule of Guitar clashes with Photography on Wednesday. Oh well, I could still do photography outside school :)

I saw my eyecandy twice today. Ahh soo happy. First, during the house meeting in the morning. He was in the same Orientation Group as me, and so of course he is in the same house as me =D And then, before my Maths lecture started, I saw him as well. I was really early for my Maths lecture, and then I saw him sitting at the back of the lecture theatre. I have not seen him quite close for a long time haha. So, that explains my ecstasy ;)

The tickets to the Topshop Unique runway have sold out. It's perfectly fine really :) It somehow clears more of the path to my singing audition on Friday. Do wish me luck :)


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