Sunday, March 19, 2006

A Lack Of Colour

And so, with the holiday coming to an end, I'm back in Singapore. The past 3 days had been great. Guess what, after rambling about my thigh and bulging stomach on Thursday, I managed to shop a lot of tops during Thursday evening in Sham Shui Po. Had only the shops accept retail sale (most of the shops do wholesale, which means I have to purchase a few similar tops at a go), I'd got even more stuff. Nevertheless, I'm really thankful that I manage to get a lot of stuff in this visit to Hong Kong. I think both me and my mom were mad on Thursday night. We arrived back home from Sham Shui Po at about 9.00 pm. Then, as my father was still not back home, we decided to do more shopping in Mong Kok. Hahaha. We took bus there, and finished shopping at about 11.30 pm. We temporarily lost our way back to the bus stop in Mong Kok. In the end, by the time we reached the bus stop, the last bus had left. And so we took a cab back home. Haha.

Friday was okay. My family and I went to the Giant Buddha in Lantau Island. The weather on that day was rather bad. So when we reached the place, we were only able to see the Buddha partially. Most of it was covered by mist. Sigh. I think that the place will look so much nicer on hot, sunny weather. Hopefully on the next visit to Giant Buddha the weather will be better :)

I did nothing much yesterday. I finished watching "Cider House Rules", which I bought and watched the first 45 mins of it on Friday. It was good by the way (the review can be found below). On the airplane, I watched Jarhead! *excited* It was funny. But some parts of it are gross (the review can also be found below). I was kinda scared that my mom, who sat beside me, would catch me watching some gross scenes in the movie. Thankfully, she didn't (I think). She was either sleeping or too engrossed watching Walk The Line. By the way, I saw the ending part of Walk The Line again haha. That means that I have watched the movie 3 times by now. Hahaha. Enough is enough. The meal on the Cathay Airways yesterday was very very nice hahaha. I finished eating the meal... the salad, the main meal, the bread and the mini magnum ice creams of course (okay 2 of them, since my mom didn't eat hers haha). For the main course I chose baked rice, and it's so so nice! hahaha. Seldom in my life that I finished eating airplane meals :)

And so to summarise my spendings during the trip. Ehm..

-Approximately 12 tops (for someone who rarely shops in Singapore, 12 tops over 7 days is kinda a lot :D)
-1 pants (the skirts and the pants are mostly small. I need to reduce my butts' size!! haha)
-1 jacket (hooded one)
-4 bags (diesel, nightmare before christmas, paul frank, and some mulberry-modelled bag haha)
-1 DVD (I didn't buy Traffic in the end, I think my brother had bought it)
-1 Music CD (Walk the Line)
-Some miscellaneous stuff haha.

I think that'll amount to over HK$1000.. hahaha. The tops are mostly about HK$45, which is about S$10.. hehe.

I missed Gangs of New York last night (I didn't know that it's supposed to be on this week). Anyway, I was kinda traumatised by the Aviator. Last week my brother and I talked about movies, and we did discuss about Clint Eastwood and Martin Scorscese movies haha. I told him I'm scared of watching another Scorscese movie after The Aviator haha. He said that Gangs of New York isn't bad. And so actually I planned to catch Gangs of New York on Channel 5. But then I missed it. Steph Ng said it's boring hahaha. And so I'm confused on whether I should see it on DVD. She also said Million Dollar Baby is typical Clint Eastwood movie haha. And so I'm also confused on whether I should see it too. Haha.

So school starts tomorrow. I better start doing my econs essay hehe.

Hope that you enjoy your holiday!

Take care and later.

Movie Reviews
The Cider House Rules (7.5 out of 10 stars)
Nice plot with some touching moments. I have just found out that the movie missed out some parts of the book haha. Anyway, Michael Caine's acting is superb. I really love his character. He's firm but nice. There's this line which he kept saying which is stuck in my head. "Good night you Princes of Maine, you Kings of New England." The way he says it is so nice haha (no, not as seductive as Kiefer's in Intel/Mac ad though haha). There are some funny and touching moments in the movie. You're warned that there are 2 deaths in this picture. I cried in some parts of the movie. I thought that somehow the pairing of Tobey Maguire and Charlize Theron is kinda weird. I really can't imagine them as a couple in real life! haha. But I think the pairing is supposed to be weird for the movie. Tobey's character is more of dorky and naive, while Charlize's very confident. Great movie.

Jarhead (7.5 out of 10 stars)
First of all, there is no biasness to this review, since Jake isn't hot in this movie haha. Anyway, I really never expected this movie to be damn funny. And gross. But again, it's supposed to be a guy-themed movie. So the gross parts can't be helped haha. Some of the scenes and the dialogues are really funny. The front part of the movie is especially funny. I was kind of confused of why this movie has let down many critics' expectations. It's good, but is not the kind for award shows I guess. Before watching the movie, I read that the word f**k was mention 200 something times. It certainly was.

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