Saturday, July 22, 2006


Hello. So I would make this entry short since I'm supposed to be studying at the moment. Anywho, life's been okay. All the exam results had been released, and I failed two of them, Econs and GP. And, I'm quite sad that I have no A this time :( :( I just want at least an A.. for Maths at least. Anyway, I shall work harder from now on. I will not commit to any Drama projects for the rest of the year. Enough Drama for 2006.

So the performance in Hwa Chong Junior College and Esplanade went rather well last week. I managed to survive a tough week without my Mom thankfully. So this week has been really relaxing. I was able to go home early everyday (well early compared to the drama days.). In the words of my senior, "I feel more than happy going home when the sun is still shining" haha.

I really need to catch up with my school work. I'm going to try as hard as I can this weekend to make full use of the time for study and resting. I'm planning to go Toa Payoh tomorrow for photoshoot. Haven't done a photoshoot for ages ^^; Sigh, at last a me-day for once.

I must be mad for watching two DVDs yesterday. I watched Leon: The Professional and Notting Hill. One is an action movie, while the other is a romantic film. Actually, I was watching the first 5 minutes of Tomatoe's Silent of the Lamb VCDs. However, the quality of picture is kinda bad (compared to DVD format) and there's no English subtitles (I just love paying close attention to linguistic details when watching amovie), so I decided to switch to Leon. Well, Leon's a really good movie :D Notting Hill as well. (both are reviewed below)

Supergrass' "Mary" has been stuck in my head for the whole of today. I remember seeing the video for the song for the first time in MTV fresh when I was 10 years old haha. Sigh. The video is at the top of this entry.

Anyway, later dudes :)


Movie Reviews
Leon: The Professional (8.0 out of 10)

Well, most action movies are dumb and has zero concerns for plots. However Leon is not such a movie (thankfully). Some parts of it are really action-packed, while others are filled with emotions and the development of the two main characters. Natalie Portman's acting is really superb in this movie. Only 13 years old in the movie, and her acting was already really good. I thought there is a great chemistry between her and Jean Reno. There are some memorable scenes in this movie (I love the posing game scene haha). Oh I cried in the end. Well, that means that this movie is more than an average action movies. The ending was really tragic yet sweet.

Notting Hill (7.5 out of 10)

The chemistry between Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts is amazing. It is as if both of them genuinely feel the love for each other. The plot was kind of typical (with a happy ending). Still, I have a good time watching it. Had a great laugh. I especially like the scene where Hugh was walking through four seasons. How does the director or writer come out with such a great idea? If you like romantic comedy, then you'll like this movie :)

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