Friday, July 14, 2006

The Week Has Not Ended.. Yet.

I'm not supposed to be typing this. I'm supposed to be in Geography tutorial now haha. Before you think that I'm slowly turning into a ponner, let me explain the situation for you. Today, actually I don't have to come to school, since I'm excused from school for the whole day for Drama involvement. We did a performance yesterday for the SYF Honours Night preview show, and will perform for the real thing tonight. Then, we'll be performing in the Esplanade tomorrow at 3 pm. (Anyone wants to go? Tickets are $15. Other performances in the show include TJC and Singapore Poly.) So anyway, since I got blue slip for the day, I can choose the classes which I want to go to. I can officially skip classes haha. So, even though it's possible for me today to not come to school, I decided to still come to school, and skip GP and Geography. I found out yesterday that for GP, it will be essay writing today. Since GP lesson is in the first period, I decided to come at 9 haha. The security guard stopped me, but he can't send me for detention, since I got blue form haha. Anyway, for Geography, I can foresee that the teacher will be repeating things that have been written in the Geography lecture notes. Hence, I've decided to read it by myself.

I'm very pleased to find out today that I will not be involved in ushering for the International Physics Olympiad closing ceremony. After the horrible experience of the morning of IPhO opening ceremony, I think that this is a good thing (I'm still irritated by the teacher and the councillor, who think she knows what she's talking about when I borrowed the blazer from the blazer room). Besides, I'll need a break, since for the whole of last week, I went to school everyday. Yayness for weekend.

Oh ya, I forgot to write that I was about 5 rows from front in Coldplay concert. The photo doesn't seem to justify that hahaha.

Okie, later dudes.

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