Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Stuck in Reverse...

Hello! So, I watched two movies over the weekend: Superman Returns and Requiem for a Dream. The latter is so much better and wiser than the former one, which is more for entertainment sake. Bryan Singer, you let me down. I thought you're gonna at least make Superman fly as high as X-men (both movies are reviewed below).

Hmm.. I've got back two of my test papers. One is okay, the other.. I failed it haha. Chemistry and Econs. Obviously you can guess which one I flunked lol. Anyway, I must work harder for Econs from now on. Do more essays and read more I guess. I'm seriously considering of not doing year-end's drama production. Drama has taken too much of my life this year. And I guess if I'm not involved in the production, I would have more free time to study and relax as well. Therefore, my life will be more balanced I guess :)

Coldplay's concert was great yesterday.

I thought that this picture is perfect to describe the chaoticness in the stadium. It was full house, and the crowd really loves them, singing to almost all of their songs. The use of lighting and screen are really amazing. Very very high tech. This is certainly the best concert I've gone to so far in my life :) The $170 was really well-spent.

I've just seen the first trailer for the Prestige. ARghhhhhhhh. Christian Bale looks quite handsome there hahaha. I soo can't wait for that movie to come out.

Okie, later dudes :)
Movie Reviews
Superman Returns (6.5 out of 10 stars)
Oh man, this movie can be soooo much better. First of all, I think they should create a more focused plot. The plot in the movie is too wide, making the duration of the movie rather long. And, what kinda annoys me as well is the ending. *spoilers* While Superman saves the world (once again), why must Lex Luthor's last scene is him stranded on an island? *spoilers end* The computer generated images are perfect though. Sigh, if Warner Bros is thinking of making a sequel, hopefully they'll make it a better one than this one.

Requiem for a Dream (8.5 out of 10 stars)
Errr okay, this would definitely go to my favourite movies' list (though Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind will still occupy first spot). The use of cameras in this movie is really creative, giving audience different perspectives of a scene at a go. The different types of cameras used was also perfect for the different seasons, helping to build up the atmosphere of the scene. I thought the acting of Ellen Burstyn and Jennifer Conelly are great. It is really tragic how the story ended awfully for all of the four main characters. Hmm... be warned though, there are some nudity scenes (including a frontal scene and sex scenes) in this movie. However, these scenes are rather intergral (except one of them) and taking them away would give the movie a feeling of something amiss. This is especially so for the last nudity scene. Anyway, if you're a great great movie buff, this movie is a must-watch! Now I can't wait for Darren Aronofsky's next movie "The Fountain", which stars Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz. Hopefully it'll be as stunning.

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