Tuesday, June 06, 2006

That's fast..

Hello people. A week without update from me, and guess what, I've just come back from Indo haha. I know it's a bit late, but this morning I realised that, I've not written here that ACSian Theatre have won Gold with Honours hahahaha.. so happy. So all the late staying back days have paid off really well =)

I did nothing much in Indo, except playing the latest version of one of my favourite computer games, "Heroes of Might and Magic" (Hahaha Mos do you remember this game?) and watching E! channel (haha a great crappy channel to waste your time on =D). I only watched one movie, "High Fidelity", and it's disappointing. It has 7.4/10 rating in IMdB haha (or around there), and the movie is based on a novel by Nick Hornby (whose "About A Boy" I really enjoyed reading). Nevertheless, I'm kinda interested to read the novel, and then I'd compare it to the movie version haha (anyway, the movie is reviewed below, as usual).

Oh ya, speaking about the quiz that I'd like to do last time..

10 years ago, i was:
7 years old.. haha. I'm in Tarakanita. Made a lot of friends there (though I sadly have not contacted them now for a long time).. and then I was in the same class as my first crush. HAHA some of you know what happens.

5 years ago, i was:
12 years old. Mugging for PSLE? Singing and dancing to Britney Spears songs haha (I still remember those days) with Tomatoe. and then the September 11 attack...

1 year ago, i was:
16 years old.. and busy studying for 'O' Levels haha.

5 snacks i enjoy:
Chiki, Beng Beng, Chitos, Taro... and Chocolatesssss =D

5 songs i know all the words to:
Ehm.. Eternal Flame haha i think. Cry by Mandy Moore? Beautiful by Christina Aguilera? hahaha. Not sure. But definitely school song ha.

5 things i would do with 100 million dollars:
-Ehm.. eat lotsa nice delicious cakes and desserts (Bread pudding!!)
-Tour around every part of the world
-Donate some money to charities.
-Do a gigantic shopping spree.

5 places i would run away to:
-Fullerton Hotel
-Hong Kong

(hahahah... i can just let my imagination run wild in this question =D)

5 things i would never wear:
-nose stud
-tongue stud
-naval stud
-.. (i don't know what else haha)

5 favorite tv shows:
-Project Runway
-Desperate Housewives
-America's Next Top Model
-other fashion shows on some random fashion channels haha.

5 bad habits:
-surfing the com too much
-playing com games for a long time at a go at times
-cannot resist delicious food
-lazy in cleaning up my room
-daydreaming about my handsomes too much at times.

5 biggest joys:
-Watching movies
-Playing piano
-Going to concerts
-Eating delicious food

5 fictional characters you'd date:
ehm... how i wish they strike out the word fictional hahaha. I really don't have any answers for this question...

5 people you will ask to do:
anyone who see this haha. It's fun =)

Oh ya, I'm volunterring in a fashion show organised by a group of girls in my school to raise awareness for anti-drug campaigns. The details are below. If you want the tix, do message me by email or sms me =)


Yes to fashion, No to drugs.

Fashionista Inc. brings to you the FASHION SHOW OF THE YEAR. In aid of our beneficiary, Teen Challenge, Singapore, we have created a fashion show in aim to raise awareness of drug abuse amongst teens in Singapore. From designer tags, to local labels, you can look forward to a range of fashion styles ranging from the morbid influences of Marilyn Manson to the hype and vibrancy of The Pussycat Dolls.

This fashion show is organized for the youth, by the youth. What better way to express ourselves than through fashion.

Come in your most fabulous. Be spotted and get crowned as Mr. and Miss. Fashionista 2006. Each of you will walk away with a hamper from The Link (think brands like Alldressedup, Miss Sixty, Energie) worth $300!

The event is organized in collaboration with the Central Narcotics Bureau Singapore along with Teen Challenge as well as Loreal, Kai and many other local and international sponsors.

Feel like a star. Walk down the red carpet and get your photos taken by the paparazzi. The media will also be present so look your best!

You do not need drugs to lead The High Life. So do your part for charity in the hippest way possible.

Details for the event:
2000 – 2200 hours
Doors open at 1945
21st June 2006 (Wednesday)
16 years and above
First 500 guests will receive goodie bags, which include special treats such as L’Oreal products as well as shopping vouchers!

In addition, the above 18s get to stay on after the Fashion Show, for Zouk’s famous and renowned Mambo Night for free! It is highly popular among the younger segment of the clubbing crowd and a Mambo experience is often regarded as an initiation ritual for many beginners into the local clubbing scene. Bars will open as usual then.

For tickets:
Email your orders to: thehighlife06@hotmail.com
Get your tickets online at: http://www.gethigh.com.sg
Our official ticket outlet: Zouk
Or please feel free to call Samantha @ 98254295
Natasha @ 91447161
Look out for more details on all ZO card stands.

Ready to get high?


Later dudes =)
Movie Review
High Fidelity (6.5 out of 10 stars)
The movie started off really well, but it gets draggy towards the end. I mistook this film for another John Cusack movie which I'd like to watch hahaha. I thought that Jack Black really brought life to this movie. He was soo dammn funny haha. The last part was quite amusing, and he surprisingly sang rather well in the movie (or is it someone else's voice?) Anyway, I have nothing more to say lol.

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