Saturday, April 22, 2006

Mass Indulgence

Gahh... I'm feeling so full and sick right now. My mom and I have just had a chocolate buffet in Fullerton Hotel. Some of the stuff are nice, while others are not. Let me tell you the best stuff that I had there. It's the bread and butter pudding (bolden and italicised for the purpose of emphasising haha). And so, I managed to start the buffet and end it with a portion of bread and butter pudding each (by the way, it wasn't done intentionally hehe). I wonder how my Father will react when my Mother tell him about us having this buffet. I can imagine him joking, "Sigh, both of you, mother and daughter, are the same.." (In Indo: Ampun, Mak dan anak sama! hahaha) Anyway, at the end of the buffet, I was really feeling sick of chocolate haha (I wonder if this buffet will have an unforeseen side effect, which is giving up the consumption of chocolate for a temporary period hehe). After the buffet, we took a walk around. Fullerton is a really nice hotel! I really do wish someday I could at least spend a night there :D Then during the weekend I can go down to the chocolate buffet in pyjamas to have some chocolates and a glass of hot chocolate. Enough chocolate-y talk I guess. I'm quite sick of chocolate at the moment.. hehehe (As a chocoholic, I'm really reluctant of saying that.. hehe)

I feel so sinful for the amount of chocolates that I have just consumed. Anyway, it's for dinner! Haha. (trying to make herself feel better...)

Let me have a recap of the happenings for the past week. The Holy Week turned out really good. The only thing that I felt lacking last week is a proper Good Friday mass. My Mom and I went to the Indonesian mass. First of all, it didn't have Stations of the Cross (which I think helps to set the mood of the mass properly). And the Gospel reading was really weird! The audience didn't have to participate at all.. and we were sitting throughout the whole Gospel reading. So different from the usual English Good Friday mass haha. Anyway, after the mass, I went out with Jessica Tognetto. I really do miss her, though sometimes we tend to have different points of view of things hehe.

During the weekend, I watched Chicago (which I taped on Wednesday) and Everything Is Illuminated (both are reviewed below). Both of the movies are nice in their own ways. I enjoy Chicago more though. I'm planning to purchase its DVD hehe. I wonder why it is rated M18 in Singapore. In America it was rater PG-13. Nothing racy in the television broadcast, hopefully the television didn't cut out anything, like what they did to American Beauty (I only found that out after doing some research in the Internet hehe).

This week wasn't really that bad actually, except that I lacked sleep this week. On the average, I got about 5 hours of sleep each night. If not for the vitamins and royal jelly I took (courtesy of my Mom), I think I would have fallen sick or fainted in school haha. At least I didn't lose my temper or anything, and nothing spoilt my day (well, there's a thing that almost did this, but I managed to keep my cool =) Oh ya, and lots of tests this week. Maths, Geog, Chinese and GP. The Geog test is a killer. Actually, the questions are not that hard. Just that, I've jumbled out the facts that I had memorised the previous day, and so I wasn't doing the paper well. Sighhh.. information overload. I better start organising the Geography facts out...

I went for drama four out of the five school days this week. It's quite okay actually hehe.

Yesterday was J1s parents welcome tea. My mom went for it and met my form teacher. The previous night, I had warned my Mom that my form teacher would surely mention to her about my latecoming habit hahaha. And she sure did! Lol. Anyway, my Mom suggests that I should wake up earlier so that I can reach school earlier, so that I can please my form teacher. My first reaction was, "hahaha". Then she said, "Just treat her like your boss!" More Hahahaha from me. Anyway, I'll take her advice seriously ;) (my Mom's I mean.)

Today I went out with Jessica Lo. Ahhh so long never see you already Jess! We ate at Bakerzin (It's soo nice!) and then we took a neoprint. Lots of catching up between both of us. Thanks for the goodies Jess!! *hugs* Must meet again soon okay darling? ;)

I got a shock of my life when I saw gigantic pictures of Jude Law in the Dunhill shop in Paragon. He looks brooding there. He doesn't look that fantastic and looks more matured there, but still he's pretty yummy =)

I'd like to watch a DVD tomorrow. I'd love to relax tomorrow haha.

The 'Amazon Forests' have grown dense enough. Time for 'deforestation'... (note the plurals.. haha, it's not the real Amazon forests. I do not support real deforestation)

Have a nice weekend peeps. Later =)

Movie Reviews

Chicago (8.0 stars out of 10)
An enjoyable, entertaining movie. Great dancing and performance by Renee Zellweger and Catherine Zeta Jones. I thought Renee's acting is especially good. I hate her character, and yet, not sure why, I also sympathised her haha. (To Steph: Richard Gere looks like Richard Gere haha). I love the cinematography of this picture as well. The Oscar for that category was really well-deserved. By the way, my Mom seems to be interested of watching this movie after listening some songs from the movie hahaha. This movie is a must for musical fans.

Everything is Illuminated (7.0 stars out of 10)
The movie really starts well, however its ending was a bit slow, and yet tragic and twisted in some sense. *spoilers ahead* I never expected the narrator of the story to be the Ukranian guy in the show. I thought it's Elijah Wood haha *spoiler ends here*

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