Sunday, April 30, 2006

Cereals and Milk

This week school is normal. I think the funniest day will be during Jocelyn's birthday, when Serene, Sabrina, Nas, Peggy and I presented her some presents, including bananas hahahaha. Well, she loves bananas. On each banana (except one), each of us write a message for her lol. So funny!

On Thursday evening, I found last year's Jake Gyllenhaal's interview in Ellen DeGeneres show. It's sooo amusing haha. I regretted not downloading it from last time. (Sadly, that website has been locked down by its admins). Here's the link to the clip:

Friday was normal to me, except the evening. During the afternoon, I lent Kumar my Chemistry book. He returned it to me during the Drama rehearsal, and I left it in the hall and went to Orchard. Oh great! Thankfully drama ended early that day, so at least I was still bothered to go back to school to retrieve it (and for the sake of my Chemistry test on Thursday too). It took 1 hour and 15 minutes to go to school and back to Orchard. Sigh, such a waste of time!!

Yesterday was pretty fun. In the morning, I went for photoshooting. Waking up for photoshooting was a pretty tedious process. I woke up at 7.30, and it was pretty cloudy. I woke up at about 8.30, and the situation seemed to be worse, and so I kind of give up hope. Not sure why, but my Mom wake me up on 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock haha. When she woke me up at 10 o'clock, I can't be bothered to check the window. Then at 11 o'clock, after telling her that my photoshooting plan was off, I checked the window, and there it is, blue cloudless sky hahahahahhahah. And so I decided to go Bugis to do shooting there. Some of the shots turned out nice. In Bugis I also noticed the DHL giant air balloon hahahah so cute. When taking a bus from Bugis to City Hall, I realised how close Bugis is to City Hall by bus haha. Then in the evening, I went out with Emmalyne, Wan Joo, Esther and Li Min. We ate at Marche and did some sightseeing in Heeren.

I can't believe that I mistook the date for Ladder 49 showing in Star Movies. I thought it was supposed to be today, and so was planning to go Steph's house to watch. It turned out to be yesterday hahahaha. Anyway, at least I can still catch it next time.

Have a happy holiday people. Take care and later!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Mass Indulgence

Gahh... I'm feeling so full and sick right now. My mom and I have just had a chocolate buffet in Fullerton Hotel. Some of the stuff are nice, while others are not. Let me tell you the best stuff that I had there. It's the bread and butter pudding (bolden and italicised for the purpose of emphasising haha). And so, I managed to start the buffet and end it with a portion of bread and butter pudding each (by the way, it wasn't done intentionally hehe). I wonder how my Father will react when my Mother tell him about us having this buffet. I can imagine him joking, "Sigh, both of you, mother and daughter, are the same.." (In Indo: Ampun, Mak dan anak sama! hahaha) Anyway, at the end of the buffet, I was really feeling sick of chocolate haha (I wonder if this buffet will have an unforeseen side effect, which is giving up the consumption of chocolate for a temporary period hehe). After the buffet, we took a walk around. Fullerton is a really nice hotel! I really do wish someday I could at least spend a night there :D Then during the weekend I can go down to the chocolate buffet in pyjamas to have some chocolates and a glass of hot chocolate. Enough chocolate-y talk I guess. I'm quite sick of chocolate at the moment.. hehehe (As a chocoholic, I'm really reluctant of saying that.. hehe)

I feel so sinful for the amount of chocolates that I have just consumed. Anyway, it's for dinner! Haha. (trying to make herself feel better...)

Let me have a recap of the happenings for the past week. The Holy Week turned out really good. The only thing that I felt lacking last week is a proper Good Friday mass. My Mom and I went to the Indonesian mass. First of all, it didn't have Stations of the Cross (which I think helps to set the mood of the mass properly). And the Gospel reading was really weird! The audience didn't have to participate at all.. and we were sitting throughout the whole Gospel reading. So different from the usual English Good Friday mass haha. Anyway, after the mass, I went out with Jessica Tognetto. I really do miss her, though sometimes we tend to have different points of view of things hehe.

During the weekend, I watched Chicago (which I taped on Wednesday) and Everything Is Illuminated (both are reviewed below). Both of the movies are nice in their own ways. I enjoy Chicago more though. I'm planning to purchase its DVD hehe. I wonder why it is rated M18 in Singapore. In America it was rater PG-13. Nothing racy in the television broadcast, hopefully the television didn't cut out anything, like what they did to American Beauty (I only found that out after doing some research in the Internet hehe).

This week wasn't really that bad actually, except that I lacked sleep this week. On the average, I got about 5 hours of sleep each night. If not for the vitamins and royal jelly I took (courtesy of my Mom), I think I would have fallen sick or fainted in school haha. At least I didn't lose my temper or anything, and nothing spoilt my day (well, there's a thing that almost did this, but I managed to keep my cool =) Oh ya, and lots of tests this week. Maths, Geog, Chinese and GP. The Geog test is a killer. Actually, the questions are not that hard. Just that, I've jumbled out the facts that I had memorised the previous day, and so I wasn't doing the paper well. Sighhh.. information overload. I better start organising the Geography facts out...

I went for drama four out of the five school days this week. It's quite okay actually hehe.

Yesterday was J1s parents welcome tea. My mom went for it and met my form teacher. The previous night, I had warned my Mom that my form teacher would surely mention to her about my latecoming habit hahaha. And she sure did! Lol. Anyway, my Mom suggests that I should wake up earlier so that I can reach school earlier, so that I can please my form teacher. My first reaction was, "hahaha". Then she said, "Just treat her like your boss!" More Hahahaha from me. Anyway, I'll take her advice seriously ;) (my Mom's I mean.)

Today I went out with Jessica Lo. Ahhh so long never see you already Jess! We ate at Bakerzin (It's soo nice!) and then we took a neoprint. Lots of catching up between both of us. Thanks for the goodies Jess!! *hugs* Must meet again soon okay darling? ;)

I got a shock of my life when I saw gigantic pictures of Jude Law in the Dunhill shop in Paragon. He looks brooding there. He doesn't look that fantastic and looks more matured there, but still he's pretty yummy =)

I'd like to watch a DVD tomorrow. I'd love to relax tomorrow haha.

The 'Amazon Forests' have grown dense enough. Time for 'deforestation'... (note the plurals.. haha, it's not the real Amazon forests. I do not support real deforestation)

Have a nice weekend peeps. Later =)

Movie Reviews

Chicago (8.0 stars out of 10)
An enjoyable, entertaining movie. Great dancing and performance by Renee Zellweger and Catherine Zeta Jones. I thought Renee's acting is especially good. I hate her character, and yet, not sure why, I also sympathised her haha. (To Steph: Richard Gere looks like Richard Gere haha). I love the cinematography of this picture as well. The Oscar for that category was really well-deserved. By the way, my Mom seems to be interested of watching this movie after listening some songs from the movie hahaha. This movie is a must for musical fans.

Everything is Illuminated (7.0 stars out of 10)
The movie really starts well, however its ending was a bit slow, and yet tragic and twisted in some sense. *spoilers ahead* I never expected the narrator of the story to be the Ukranian guy in the show. I thought it's Elijah Wood haha *spoiler ends here*

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Butterflies and Hurricanes

Hello, so no more schooling for this week with the coming Easter holiday. So happy. At last a long holiday after quite a long time. I have just got back from Church. The mass suprisingly went smoothly and pleasantly. Not too many people. Not as crowded as the Good Friday mass thankfully. And then, I had a dinner in Spize. Nasi Pattaya and Plain Roti Prata. Going to Spize really reminds me of the days that Mos, Stephanie Ng and I spent there eating dinners. Ah, those days! Oh, and then for the first time in my life, I tried Milo Dinosaur haha. I found it's like a normal milo, just that it comes in a huge mug with lots of Milo powder on the top. I wonder Milo Godzilla looks like haha. Since tomorrow is Good Friday, I will have to abstain and fast for a day. For abstainance, I'm planning to do on Chocolate (ahahahah). Hopefully I won't repeat the same mistake I made last year. Last year, I made the promise the day before Good Friday to abstain from Chocolate. And then, on Good Friday, for breakfast, I ate Koko Crunch hahahah.. forgetting that Koko Crunch is chocolate. Only when I went to the mass then I realised hahaha. Silly me. Well, as much as I'd like to abstain from Internet, I think it'll be difficult at this period of time haha.

On Sunday, since I had a day to myself, I watched the Talented Mr. Ripley (it's reviewed below). It's good, though the ending feels incomplete to me. Oh yaaaa, Jude Law is really really really handsome there hahahahah. Without any intention of seeing it in the movie, there's a scene of his bum hahahah. Anyway, bums will always be bums.

Monday evening was horrendous. I went for the Students' Council interview, and it was horrid. The questions they asked were really difficult to answer, and they kept telling me that I seemed not to know what I was getting into by joining the student council. One of the coucillor interviewers even asked me to name at least 5 events that the Councillors have organised this year (I managed to name 4 haha). And then the teacher-in-charge of Councillors even asks me about my aspiration of becoming Crew Manager in Drama. Hey, in the form they expected you to form the aspiration for the respective CCA. I can't just put Member there right haha. Anyway, she asked me whether I'd be able to cope if I ever become a Crew Manager. Hahaha... I don't think I'll be holding that job next year. I know a strong candidate for the job.. and I'm sincerely happy for that person =) Anyway, guess what's the last question? Will you quit Drama for Councillor? I was stuck and confused. At that spot, I said "Yes". But now I'm doubting whether that should be the answer. I almost broke down during the interview. The interviewers really GRILLED you with the questions... At least that was what some other candidates that went for the interview felt...

Oh my goodness, yesterday I was really blur. Emmalyne and I wanted to go to town yesterday. And so we waited for 105, 106 or 111 to come. And then I saw 105 and 111 from afar and was really excited. Since 105 was in front, we decided to board the bus. After boarding we sat and watched a bit of TV Mobile. When the bus stopped on the next stop, I saw a bus in front of our bus. It's 105. "What the heck...?" I thought, "Are we boarding the correct bus?" Because the next 105 couldn't have come that fast hahaha. And so Emmalyne went to ask the bus driver. We found out that.. the bus we were taking was.... 100 hahahahahahhahahahahah. Both of us are sooo blurrrrrr. I was really laughing hard after ths whole experience... not sure if it's of agony or amazement. Anyway, in the end we still reached Orchard haha.

I received a message from my Drama senior today asking me whether I want to join Drama Crew for SYF. I'm contemplating my choice. By going for SYF, I'll most probably be forgoing the chance to perform in Guitar Concert in July. Hahaha.. I'm confused now. At the moment, I'm leaning more towards SYF. I'll make my decision tonight before I sleep.

Oh yaa, yesterday I found out from Serene that my eyecandy join Golf hahahah. And so, Serene and him are in same CCA. I was surprised that he joined Golf. He was previously in Basketball. And, adding to my surprise, he had received prior training to Golf hahaha. LOL.

Yesterday, my Mom returned from Indonesia. Ahhh.. so happy to see her. Haven't seen her for ages. I really want to hug her hahahah. Oh ya, she had brought the guitar. And Cinemags of course and some CDs... and guess what? Batman DVD! Ahhhhh!!! So happy. Sadly, the CD 2 got stuck in my CD-ROM hahaha. It's so silly of me to think that my computer can play DVD without DVD-Rom. Anyway, I'll think of something to open the thing haha. Hopefully.

Anyway, happy Easter to those who celebrates. Have a happy weekend and bye bye.

Movie Review
The Talented Mr Ripley (7.0 out of 10 stars)
Superb acting from the cast overall, especially Matt Damon and Jude Law. Matt Damon's character, Tom Ripley, was a psycho and compulsive. I just hate his character haha. Jude Law's acting... was good as well. The Oscar nomination for Jude was well-deserved. Besides being extremely handsome there, there's this sense of popularity and charisma in his character. The story gets draggy towards the end though. The ending, as I've said above, is incomplete. There's just something lacking to make the story a full round circle. Anyway, great movie.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Maybe Tomorrow

Today was great. In the afternoon I went to watch the Tempest with some of my ACJC friends. While doing front house duty yesterday night, I managed to catch the last half of the show. However, after watching the whole show properly today, I get more of the story. Yesterday, the story really seems like a blur. It's like, "who's that and that?" haha.

After watching the Tempest, I went home to rest for a while (and retrieved my handphone which I forgot to take to the Tempest.. haha life feels strange without handphone, especially when I needed to contect Steph Ng about something.. which you'll find out later :). And then, I went to watch Inside Man (which is reviewed below) with Steph Ng in the new Cathay. Yayyyy! At last I managed to watch something in the new building. Anyway, the building's still basically empty haha. Everywhere it says "Coming soon..." hahaha. "Coming soon Cheers", "Coming soon Ben and Jerry's Cafe (yayness!)", "Coming soon Yaka Toasts" and so on. Since it was already evening, I didn't really take a proper look at the building. It's quite nice. But it'll be so much more alive after the shops have opened.

I can't wait to slack tomorrow. I'll be having the whole day to myself. Hopefully I'll be able to watch a DVD at least tomorrow (Talented Mr. Ripley?). Oh ya, repeat telecast of Lost Season Two's first 3 episodes tomorrow. Hooray! And.. the big match between Arsenal and Man Utd tomorrow, which I think I'll tape haha.

Nite nite and later people :)

Movie Review
Inside Man (7.5 stars out of 10)
First of all, I'd like to say that I'm really really glad that the censored dialogues in the movie are not as bad as how it seems to be looking at the complaint in Straits Times' Life a few days ago. What's with the suggestion that refunds should be given to those who have watched the show? Ridiculous. Anyway, I love the dialogues in this movie. I thought that this movie will be mainly actions and drama. Never expected to have a number of humourous dialogues in it haha. I didn't feel bored for 2 hours and 10 mins. There are some parts which will make you go "Ooo.." and "Aaah.." The pace of the movie was a bit draggy towards the end though. The movie's plot is really smart. A brilliant movie overall. By the way, I don't know why after watching that movie I keep thinking of Clive Owen haha. He's handsome for an old man. I'll definitely be adding him to my favourite old men's list haha. And Steph is right, his voice's kinda hot too hahaha.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Down, down, down

Great, I've spent so much money trying to run for Students' Council...

$5 for the nomination form (which I went to get innocently)
$6 for the passport photos required
$0.50 for photocopying some of the necessary documents

And... I really do think that I'll have slim chance of a success. Here are the things which I didn't manage to get for the form.. or forgot to submit together with the form..:

1 extra IC-sized photograph
Signature from CCA teacher (who are busy with the Tempest this whole week)
Signature from a Student Councillor (this can be proven crucial. However, I seriously do not know any of them. None of my Orientation Group Leaders is a councillor. What am I supposed to do?)

All this with the pathetic write-up of myself. I had troubles writing it. What should I write? Some of my hobbies which I think have no relevance to running of Students' Council? Some skills like photography or singing? What should I write? In the end I write some crap =( I really do not know what to write and what exactly are the election committee trying to learn about me from that question...

Oh my, may the force be with me... =P

Let me do recap of the things that have gone through in my life. Oh, by the way, I failed my ACS Idol audition haha. Kinda expect it, since I didn't practice much. However, the thing that most irritates me about the audition is one of the judges, which gave a really pointless advice. While the other two judges said that I underperformed and could have done better, that particular judge told me that I should stick to composing songs (a skill which I mention in the entry form). What the heck is she thinking? Actually after the second judge had finished his remarks, I was about to leave, when I realised that the last judge, the irritating one, hasn't spoken. So much for the energy to come back.

I had a great time barbecue-ing in Stephanie's house on Saturday evening. Thank you so much Steph for the great time. We did really catch up with a lot of things, after not seeing each other for about 2 weeks haha (hey, that's a long period for me haha).

This week has been terrible that I'm soooo glad that it has come to an end (schoolwise at least).
I don't know why this whole week was really depressing for me. There are some days where I was irritated with some people. It's either my level of patience are somewhat decreasing, or those people are getting irritating. Sadly, some of the people are my closest friends. I wonder what's so wrong with me. Lack of sleep? Tired? Stress? Anyway, Tuesday was a horrific day for me. I hate the fact that some people really like making fun of that day to me. I know that it can be really funny to some people, but to me, it's humiliating. It's madly humiliating. If anyone ever mentions that accident to me again, at least they know why I'll give them a cold shoulder. Monday and Wednesday was quite a blur. All I can remember about Wednesday is me being irritated by a classmate of mine, who also annoys me on Tuesday. I guess she has no idea how annoying she can be. I just realise it on Wednesday too. Anyway, Thursday I was soooo irritated by this girl from another class who is in the same Economic class for me. I do not know that there is an Economics homework that must be done, and so me and a group of people were sent to library to complete it as much as we could with the leftover time. Then in the library, as we shared a table, this girl keeps standing up and bending on the table while noisily talking to 2 other people of the group. I got so p***ed off that I just stormed off and got my iPod, and listened to it. If not, my emotions would have exploded. Anger management huh? Hahha... I think Nasa darling, my classmate who was quietly doing the homework as well, could see I was quite annoyed haha..

Oh, and I don't know why I'm kinda not really use to the nick Bo Bice anymore..

Anyway, at least today was really funny. First of all, I saw my eyecandy twice today. Yayness! Haha. Last week, I only saw him twice =( And before today, I last saw him on Tuesday. Sigh, I saw him so few times. Never mind, the less I see him, the more I'll treasure those sightseeing moments hahaha. Today, as I entered Staff Room to return the attendance book, I found out what happenes when you click the name of a teacher on the computer paging system in front of the staff room. A computer system inside the Staff Room will call out the name of the teacher that is clicked on the computer. So today, it goes "Dr. Hashim Ali". Soo.. at that moment I realise the whole process. And then, the silly guy clicking the name clicked "Dr Hashim Ali" too many times at a go. And the computer system goes "Dr. Dr. Dr. Hashim Ali". Ahahahahahahahahah the whole episode is so funny that as I went out of the Staff Room, I was smiling like mad. 20 mins later at the end of my break, I was still thinking about it hahaha. Oh ya, during Maths class, I received an amusing SMS from Serene about her EC. Hahahhaah it's sooo funny that it reminds me of my secret moments with my EC as well ahahah (which until now, only my secretkeeper knows ;)

Sigh, however this evening, while doing something, I realise that some people in this world are not that nice really. Today, in a conversation during a bus ride to Orchard, Nasa said to another friend," haha, you're talking to a sweet person." She was refering to me I know that, but am I that sweet? Hahahahahhahaah ^^ Sometimes I think I'm too naive and obedient. Oh my oh my, about wearing uniform skirts in school, I'm honestly one of those person who can't be bothered to wear my uniform's skirt short.

As long as you don't tell me straight that I should wear my skirt shorter, I won't comment on your 'mini' skirt. Hahaha...

Today's morning assembly's devotion message is something which I quite like actually. Hmm. If you did something for a purpose, and you're criticised for that action of yours, reflect on your action. Does the action fulfils the purpose that you have set? If yes, ignore the criticism and the public opinions. Public opinions can be fickle.

I can really relate to that ^^ can you?

I feel so guilty of forgetting to go church last weekend...

Have a great weekend people. Take care and later :)

P.S. I can't wait to see Chicago on Channel 5. I want to watch Talented Mr. Ripley too hehe

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Identity Crisis

I've been really struggling with my identity and sexuality lately. There are so many pretty girls in the school. I think I am bi-sexual. There's this new girl in my class whom I think is really sexy. Her name is Teri. Beautiful, leggy. When i talk to her, my heart really beats faster. Not really sure why. Love? Hopefully she's single as well. I wonder if she's single, cause a girl as pretty as that should already have a companion...

I know what impact this news can bring on my friends. I really hope that you'll still accept me as a friend. I won't be surprised if you're really shocked, but please, do still treat me as your friend....

I'm scared..


Hahahahahahha... you've been fooled! it's April Fool's day! Despite the fact that I like hugging girls and airkissing girls, I AM VERY MUCH STRAIGHT. I'm too contented of looking at my handsomes. For girls, if a girl is beautiful, I'll just say she's pretty. FULL STOP. I think Nicole Kidman's pretty and a good actress. FULL STOP. My handsomes are really too hot for me to resist hehe...

Ehm.. I choose the name Teri because of my nick (to some people ^^) Toli hahahahaha. Teri sounds like Toli right?

Oh by the way, there's one line in the joke which is taken from a Jake Gyllenhaal interview? Any idea which one? ^^

One nice picture of Jake I found today (courtesy of a research with stephanie ng..) -picture taken from

Happy April Fools Day!

Later, and Good night!