Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Happily Merrily Go Round

Finally, I've finished my grooming class! Today was the practical and theory tests. The practical was obviously the more frightening part, but it wasn't as frightening as I thought it would be. I was the last one to go up. Honestly, going up last is worst that going up first, because going up last means more pressure to do well is on you, since you can learn mistakes from the previous candidates. Anywho, I managed to keep my breathing grounded... and not be too scared.. and said some prayers haha. The results will come out in 3 days time. Hope it will turn out well.

So I'm now left with photography course, which will run to the end of February. Not that I mind! :) Yesterday's lesson though was rather strange in some ways. Firstly, the lesson taught yesterday was on beauty shot. Oh my gosh... after going to the lesson yesterday, I kinda vowed of never doing beauty shot in my life ever. Do you know why? It is because in yesterday's lesson, I saw the extreme end of digital image editing. Well, first of all, I've seen some Hollywood magazines before and after image editing process (with slimmer hands, bigger boobs, smaller thighs for women etc.). But yesterday, I realised sometimes they may employ a model, only to change the model's eyes in the computer. To me that's like not respecting the model's body parts. Like helloo you can't just go around pasting other people's eyes or lips on a model. I think it doesn't do the model justice seriously. I guess beauty photography is not an area I want to work as a photographer. I just don't really support some of its ideas.

Actually there's another reason why I find yesterday's lesson interesting. But I'm not really that willing to say why just yet :)

Something that I wrote yesterday in my Punk book:
That faint smell of smoke off him. The constant clicking of the pen which he borrowed from me. The blue pen with faded writings in his hand. I tried to smell any scent of him off the pen, only for my sense of smell to be overcome by my soap perfume. This entry I wrote with that pen that was in his hand.

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