Monday, November 26, 2007

I forgot to write...

... that I have won a consolation prize for the Simpsons Sound-A-Like contest!! :D

The prizes are:
1. The Simpsons complete Season 1-3 DVD Collectors set,
2. a Ipod sleeve,
3. a adult T-shirt,
4. a home movie kit, and
5. a towel.

As Homer will say, "Woohoo!".

I immitated Marge's voice (which is supposed to be high pitched and coarse).. and have to read a line that goes something like "watch the Simpson movie at Shaw cinemas".

I hope I don't become as stupid as Homer after watching Season 1-3.... Hahaha.

The Buildings Are Changing Into Coconut Trees

Soo my trip in Hong Kong is coming to an end. I'll be going back to Xin Jia Po tomorrow, then about a week later or so I'll be heading to Indonesia.

For the past 4 days I've had guests lol. My primary school friends, her sister and their parents (my mom knows her mom). Well, it was fun to have them at home haha (though my Mom can't help complaining sometimes). We went to the Peak, some beaches, Mongkok etc in Hong Kong. We also briefly went to Macao, Zhu Hai and Shenzhen (with more complaints from my Mom). Overall it was okay, though I didn't shop much cause winter season is soo not the time to shop! :( This time around, in terms of fashion, I only got bangles from H & M. HAHAHAHA. There's simply nothing else that I want to buy! LOL. Hmm the Roberto Cavalli collection for H & M is totally sold out everywhere, except for some faux fur coat which costs HK$2000 (=S$400 O_O) and some leotard print jeans lol, which I am so not interested on hahahaha. I shall use the money for some other time :)

Ahhhh I hate it. My mom has been complaining a lot lately. My father and I had noticed the increasing pattern of this. I don't know how to explain it. Hmm, let me just say sometimes, because of her complaints, it made my Mom seem to be ungrateful and pessimistic :( Example: Argument 1: She always says my father is an impatient man. Truth 1: Since they've been married for about 28 years, I kind of salute my father for being able to stand my Mom's nonsense. Argument 2: She makes it seem that I don't love her. Truth 2: Halllllloooooo, like what the heckkkk. Have I not loved her, I would not have been able to manage my anger and hold my words... and would have just said the AWFUL truth to her. I guess the point is... nobody is perfect on this earth. For every person with negative traits, there are always the positive sides. Well sometimes it's hard to see the positive sides, obviously. SIGH. Shall stop ranting. I shall borrow some books on anger management soon for myself..

This brings me to an interesting question that my GP teacher asked my class once:

Do you think, provided with a gun, that you're the type of the person who would kill someone?

Do not get the wrong idea. I will never do harm to my Mom... because that will be an awful mistake and sin.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


So.. yesterday I finally saw Eastern Promises and Lust, Caution. Back to back! Hahaha... thankfully it wasn't a draining, mentally exhaustive experience.

So let me start with Eastern Promises, which is one of the best reviewed movies this year. I kind of had a high expectation over it... and am so glad that it succeeds in fulfilling its expectation! The pace of the movie is just right, and there are a lot of enjoyable, tense moments to enjoy in the film. I love how the movie kind of hooked me. Though the ending could have been better (longer duration for the movie), the movie still ties up okay. Something that I really really love in this movie is Viggo Mortensen's character and his acting. Superb superb. I somewhat hate and love the character haha. But there are just some scenes where I wanna hug him or something lol. Hmm, be warned that there are some scenes which are really really violent and disturbing. I have a feeling in Singapore they cut the bathroom scene, and this will really really disappoint someone lol. If there are opportunities to see the movie uncut, please do see it. This movie is going to my favourite list! 8.5/10

Psst.. Viggo has a good bod for someone in his 40s haha.

Next is Lust, Caution. It's going to close soon in Hong Kong.. and yet so many people still watching it! Anyway, the movie is good. But it could have been better. Great acting by both lead actors. I wonder sometimes how actors manage to convey so much things through their faces, without speaking much. Of course speaking of this movie, I'll have to talk the much-hyped scenes of 3 letter word. Yes I do agree that it's an integral part to the movie. Because it speaks a lot of things about the relationship between the two characters. There are passion, love between the two and also a sense of confusion and pain for the female lead. I somewhat was disappointed by the ending, but how else could they end it? At least the ending somewhat manages to portray Tony Leung's character in the movie (he can be such a sadist, menacing, cold man in the show). I'll give this show 7.0/10.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

It Still Hurts..

Grrrr.... today I went to Central.. on my way to Stanley Market (which is rather disappointing), and I still feel saaaddddd about missing Batman shooting last week :( :( I guess it's hard to understand the feelings (my mom can't understand it)... and it'll take some time to overcome it. Ahhhh.. so close yet so far :( :( I almost brought my Batman Begins DVD along to Hong Kong. I guess now I'm sort of thankful I didn't bring it.. because if I did, I think I will be wallowing in my sorrow even more lol.

Anyway, I didn't do much things today. I went to the new mall next to my house, Elements. It's dammmnnnn biggg O_O Got Zara, H & M, HMV, the designer boutiques and some good restaurants (according to my Mom). It has a cinema too haha. I bought lots of things from HMV last night. HK$600s O_O I was shocked to see the total amount too.. but then 6 DVDs I bought were all worth buying (since they're more of rare DVDs, not commercial kind of film haha). I'm so happy that I've finally got Science of Sleep and Works of Director Michel Gondry DVDs :D :D (the latter costs HK$200ish hahaha).

I watched Science of Sleep yesterday... and yes I was totally mesmerised by Gael Garcia Bernal (and his hotness). There are just some scenes in which I wanna hug him, lol! Okay besides the Gael factor, there are other things that make this film enjoyable. There are several very creative scenes (all by the crazy mind of Michel Gondry) and funny scenes too (especially the Stephane TV shows hahaha). I love how actually the love between Gael and the main female character is very sweet, and rather innocent haha. Gael's character is more of a boy trapped in a man's body haha. I think I'll watch this movie again (when I feel like doing so). I'll give it 7.5/10.

I'm hoping to watch Lust Caution and Eastern Promises tomorrow! Hahaha just now Lust Caution only left front seats, so I didn't want to watch it lol.

I want to watch the new Cloverfield trailer!!! But the public com i'm using now doesn't have any speakers lol.

Okie, till the next entry. Take care people :)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Yo! What's Up?

Helloooooo. I'm back! :D Yes, A level is officially over :) :) I'm sooo happy! It ended with Chem H1 MCQ today haha. A bit anti-climax after human geography paper yesterday, but oh well, it's still over *smiles like mad*

So, I'll be off to Hong Kong. That's the first thing in my to-do list in the upcoming 6 months holiday :) There is a list of things that I want to do, such as:

1. Learn how to drive a car!
2. Take an etiquette lesson.
3. Take a make-up lesson!
4. Take a photography lesson.
5. Take a film directing course.
6. SAT! SAT! :(
7. Learn how to cook
8. Watch lots of movies (and study some of them)
9. Read books (to add to my imagination coffin)
8. Meet Christian Bale

Well number 8 is obviously impossible. I still can't get over the fact that I could have met him last week :( :( 4 hours away from Singapore. Halloooooo. I want to see in person whether he looks as good... in the video of the HK press conference he looks damn fine and yummy! (ehem) Oh well, I've tried to comfort myself by thinking that he'll most likely to come back to Hong Kong in the future Batman installment haha. I think this is most likely, and I do hope it will be :)

Can't wait to buy some DVDs... err I'm gonna get Science of Sleep!! I want to ogle at Gael Garcial Bernal! (yummm) It's quite a sad thing that he's as tall as me haha *cough*

I saw "Lars and His Real Girl" today. It's not a typical love story. Yet it is really really sweet and thoughtful. There are moments in the movie where I was laughing how absurd some scenes can be, but at the end of it, there are just some scenes which I couldn't help going "aww" or wanting to cry. Some scenes are sooo touching to the extent that you forget how absurd the scene may be haha. I'll give it 7.5/10 :)

I'll write again soon once I have something to write. Oh I dreamt of Ryan Gosling last week haha.. and I hugged him in the dream :D :D heh. He was sooo damn hot in the dream lol.

Anyway, until the next post. To all the people who still have their A level, jia you! You're going to end soon! Don't give up!

Cheers and tons of love, Olivia

P.S. I'm so excited of getting Alice in Wonderland tomorrow!!! :D Loving Q magazine's free CD too :)