Sunday, April 27, 2008

Open Up Your Eyes

Don't ever brag in front of me if you don't know what you're bragging about. Somebody p**sed me off today in this matter.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Speaking of computer, I've decided to get Apple Notebook for my uni :) Cos Apple is more likely to have film editing programme.

Yay for Apple.

Hope I can work my way thru the OS and PC systems haha.

Globalisation Has Finally Brushed Me

Everybody, please learn from this experience of mine!

This morning I called the Dell technical support to ask some questions about my problematic speaker and the decision to change window vista system to window xp system. I had been calling Dell a few times for the past few days (because I keep missing out important details of the problems), and somehow the people who picked up the phone always had thick Chinese accent of English O_O Well, today, after clarifying about the vista to xp problem, I started rambling about the speaker problem to the person. The person was double-checking the place I was staying at, and she asked near which area I do stay. When I said "Orchard Boulevard", she said, "Can you spell Orchard for me?" In my head, I went, "What the heckkk?" So after the call, the person emailed me on the vista to xp problem, and guess what I found out from the email? The person is from Dell Inc. (China). Yes, CHINA. What the heckkk... so the supporting hotline links from Singapore to China??? Suddenly I thought of the booming call centre service in India. But I think India would have better service since they have accent naturalisation. The person I talked to for Dell when I called yesterday had such a THICK chinese accent that I was asking her to repeat her sentences like 5x. My goshhh...

One other thing if you have a Dell CPU, and you need to find the service tag for technical support, please do not be misled by the diagram of the service tag shown in Dell website, which has a barcode, or by the telephone message going "the service tag can be find at the side or back of the CPU". Hellooo.. first of all, the service tag on my CPU is grey colour.. and it doesn't have barcode. I keep thinking it has barcode.. so I just looked over the grey sticker with the service tag on it O_O Secondly, the service tag is on TOP of the CPU.. not at the back or at the side. Sighhhh....

Enough of Dell rambling. Hope you'll never have to go through the Dell terrible experience.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Oh No It's Over :(

Yeah, the film festival ended yesterday. I don't know if I should feel happy, since I'll finally be able to relax more (for once in a period of time), or I should feel sad, because of the memories and the friends I had made in this festival. The festival has been rewarding way more than I expected it would be in the beginning of my volunteer stint. Obviously, being able to watch all of the festival movies for free is a great privilege. Meeting "Clark Kent" (again) was a great experience! (and less awkward than the previous and first meeting).

Let me recount my meetings with "Clark Kent" (hahahaha this is making me smile like xiao). The first meeting we had in the festival is sooooo weird. I ran out of staple bullets while stapling pieces of paper in the office corridor, so I went to the office to get more bullets. Just when I was about to leave the office, I was stunned to see someone standing at the office entrance. It's HIM, looking at me (with a blank look) hahahahaha. I was sooooo shocked that my brain stopped functioning and my heart stopped (really stopped). I think I kinda blushed (hahaha), but I just left the office and continue stapling (since my heart and brain cannot function properly liao hahah). That happened on the 4th day of festival (I think).

The 2nd time I meet him was the morning of jury meeting to decide Silver Screen Awards which was the 8th day of festival. I first saw Philip, the festival director, from afar as I walked towards the building. Then while he was asking me to get some drinks for the jury members, "Clark Kent" saw us and came by hahahahaha. It's interesting how my brain managed to stay functional at that time... and I even said "Hi" to him hahaha (and he said "Hi" back). That same day I was supposed to have jury lunch (with him included!), but in the end he didn't turn up since he had to prepare for interview :( Oh well, at least I met him again on the same night, in a Star TV (which is the festival sponsor) party haha. I forced the festival publicity manager to introduce me to him (which she did!), and he actually remembered me from the morning hahaha. We took picture together (hahahahaha).. but the picture came a bit blur :( Oh well.

The last time we met was during Silver Screen Awards, which was 2 nights ago. This is the funniest part... this time the festival manager introduced me to him (again) hahahahaha. Then he said, "Eh, we already got introduced to each other!" when we shook hands hahahaha. This time, I managed to talk to him moreeee (about watching 2 of his movies), but he kept teasing me that I've watched all of his shows hahaha (honestly, I've only seen 2), then I mentioned his appearance in "the Photograph" as an aqua hahahah (that one damn funny!). Then (I've got thank the publicity manager for this!), before he left the award, the fest publicity manager kinda signalled me to take picture with him (again) hahahahah... and this time around the picture come out clear! Yayyy! I have a feeling it's because of me putting that pic as a facebook profile pic which makes me still think about him hahaha.

Okay enough of "Clark Kent" already. I spent most of the volunteer stint helping out in the office (other than the first week, which is mainly errands outside the office). And.. without the funny, wonderful staff and volunteers of the film festival, the experience will certainly not be as deep and memorable. It's really amusing how they are able to keep tension off such a smaaalllll (minute) office in such weird, entertaining ways. I really do hope of keeping in touch with them :) Sigh.. after spending so much time with them over the 3 weeks, not seeing them everyday will take some times getting used to.

I'll miss Tao Huey (from the red stall). Sigh, that Tao Huey that melts in your mouth (somebody called the experience like having orgasm in your mouth ahhaah). If only one could breathe in Tao Huey. Tao Huey, Tao Huey!

Last but not least, much thank you to Nathania for the help. Without you, I wouldn't have this opportunity in first place :)

PS. the reason I blogged a lot about "Clark Kent" is because.. the moments I had with him are too funny to be forgotten :) :)

Monday, April 14, 2008

A Little Poem

Fly you may,
But an angel you are not,
The closest will be
an angel of dirty secrets
and, of course, desires.
Curious still I am,
on why you stared at me
with such a piercing glance
that could break anyone's heart.
Fear may you have instilled
inside my innocent heart,
But my curiousity overbears my conscience,
And patiently will I wait for your return.

No, this poem is not for a person. It's for a big fat bird that appeared in my house yesterday. I took pictures of it... but I wish now that I could have taken pictures of it haha.

Yes. A big FAT bird.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I Want An Answer

Can somebody answer this question from me:

Does the process of becoming best friends always have to involve a period of time where you hate the person? Well this happened to me last year (in a good way.. we become best friends in the end! :) :)... and now somebody is really getting on my nerve (more and more each day). I wonder what this means...

Torture. Torture. Torture.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


"I don't fly all the way here to watch movies on tv screens (at the screener room)!"

"My short films got selected to various festivals, and I was invited to the festivals, giving me chances to travel around the world. This eventually encourages me to pursue film making full time."

"I shake the hand that shake J Lo's hand!"

Quotes of 3 different people. Hmm how interesting.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


I have been doing lots of thinking lately.. especially of things that are ongoing in my life.

Despite having volunteered for at least 3 weeks now, I still haven't really got used to the working system. I kept wondering of how I'll adress the people that I am working with after the whole festival is over. What do I call them? Former colleagues or bosses? I will most probably treasure most the memories I have working with these people, but whether or not I will really maintain close contact with them after the festival remains doubtful. I am really thankful that age discrimination is not existent in the job, but in the end I still find it hard to have good, proper conversations with the adults. It's quite interesting that surely when I'm eventually a working adult in the future, this situation will apply to the teenagers/students doing part times jobs at the office too.

This is something that I realised this week. Never, never do things for fame. If fame comes with the things you do, then so be it. But... your ultimate goal should never, never be fame.

I still haven't really forgiven my father... he called me stupid for volunteering for the film festival, saying that I get fooled by these Singaporeans to work for free. My first reaction after the convo was "What the f**k?". Because of what he said, I unintentionally put my anger on my mom when he passed back the phone. After the phonecall, don't know whether of sadness or anger, I cried like mad.... Now I see this event more as a motivation to succeed in whatever areas I'd love to work with in the future. I will SOOO prove him wrong.. and make him feel stupid in the process. Seriously if it has not been my faith, I would have lost complete respect for him long time ago. I guess he still did not realise that. He is sooo not going to treat me like my brother.

Oh well, I guess in life everything happens for some reasons.