Tuesday, December 26, 2006

In Deep Thought..

Hello. Sorry that I haven't written for ages. If you're wondering what have happened to me in the past week....

Was I...
1. Paddling from Hong Kong across South China Sea?
2. Waiting for my prince charming to wake me up from my beauty sleep?
3. Lost in the forest with Little Red Riding Hood?
4. Too obsessed with James Bond?

Haha. If your answer is either 2 or 3, you're wrong. 4? Hahaha, nope. 1? Partly true. I didn't paddle across. I went on a road trip to China. A mini road trip hehe.

Hong Kong --> Shen Zhen --> Guangzhou --> Macau --> Hong Kong

Shen Zhen: just sightseeing with some shopping

Guangzhou: lots of cheap bags! though sadly 75% of the shops only allow ordering and wholesale purchase :( Well at least I got some bags haha.

Macau: Jackpot! Jackpot! Jackpot! Hahaha... I gambled away about HK$300 on Jackpot hahaha. Sigh. I wasn't that lucky with Jackpot this time :( Oh yeah, the casinos are not really strict with your age in Macau. Anyway, I'm only 2 months away from my B'day! Weeee.

So I haven't really shopped a lot in Hong Kong.. though sale has been going on everywhere (except Zara *cough cough*). I keep reaching Harbour City late, and by then Nine West and FCUK would have closed haha. I shall come earlier tomorrow.

Hmm.. so the year 2006 is coming to an end soon. I guess I learnt some stuff this year. Especially my family members. It's strange that as my relations with Mom deteriorates, mine with Dad and Bro improve. I realised this year that I got my lame genes from my Dad O_O hahaha. I don't know what's going on with my Mom O_O I guess now I understand how my brother really feels sometimes. My mom likes attention, but she can't be bothered with giving other people's attention. Heh. I guess I know why now my brother and I are more quiet compared to her.

Anyway I'll write again soon. Clubhouse is closing :( I watched this movie yesterday which I don't really like. To the person who watched Mystic River twice, I guess you wouldn't like it as well. Cause it has no ending. Maybe it's supposed to be open interpretation O_O


PS Happy belated merry xmas! May this Christmas brings joy to you and your family. Oh ya by the way, I spent my Christmas in Macau. Haha. Most sinful Christmas I've ever had.

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